Beta HCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – is a hormone produced during pregnancy which shows up in the blood. About 2 weeks after the embryo transfer, your surrogate undergoes this test to detect pregnancy
How the Test is Performed
Beta HCG (BHCG) is a blood test – it requires a small tube of blood, taken from a vein.
Qualitative Beta HCG
hCG levels in weeks from LMP (gestational age)* :
* These numbers are just a GUIDELINE– every woman’s level of hCG can rise differently. It is not necessarily the level that matters but rather the change in the level.
At 6 weeks of pregnancy (about 2 weeks from beta hcg test), the surrogate mother will be called at the clinic where she will undergo a transvaginal ultrasound.
The fetal heart activity is among the earliest signs that the pregnancy is viable. The fetal heart rate can be seen by transvaginal sonogram TVS as early as 22 days after fertilization/ovulation or 5weeks 1 day after the last menstrual period. However, many times it’s not seen until 6 weeks and 0 days.
By the time the embryo measures 2 mm the fetal heart rate activity should be seen and normal embryos start at under 85 beats per minute heart rate. In 5-10% of normally progressing pregnancies when the embryos measure between 2 and 4 mm the fetal heart rate cannot be seen, so in and by itself the absence of a fetal heart rate at that time does not mean it’s a miscarriage. By the time the embryo measures 5 mm all embryos should have a heart rate.
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