Surrogacy Kenya

How Surrogacy in Kenya does Prove an Effective Treatment?

Infertility can be removed through the best fertilization technique to be used like the way the artificial technique is to be used in such an aspect to make the treatment an affordable and adds the suitability within such a process to make it an effective process for all the couples who are facing the issues relative to infertility and provides the mere incredibility for the fertilization to be added an advantage to the Surrogacy which is a best treatment and an effective and helpful treatment for the infertility removal factors like the fertility to be removed from root to the tip and better form the fertility relative factors.

Infertility should be removed by most of the ways like the treatment and medications that are best prescribed by the experts in such an aspect and infertility can be treated and helping the couples to owe the child through the artificial inseminations like the treatment through the ways of IVF, IUI, ICSI and many other ways but if all the treatments are not suitable and provides the results than in such a case the infertility should be removed through the procedure called as Surrogacy where there is more of the  resulting treatment to be accrued in removing the infertility relative treatments and factors.

Surrogacy in kenya

Surrogacy cost in Kenya:

Important considerations before choosing GO IVF SURROGACY for surrogacy cost in Kenya

  • Highest calibre and the best facilities
  • Various aids and strategies towards a better result
  • Packages with guarantees for surrogacy prices in Kenya
  • renowned reproductive specialists and physicians
  • highest success percentage in surrogacy in Kenya
  • Highly successful outcomes than any other method
  • Contact us:
  • Call us: 91-989-929-3903


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The treatments relative to Surrogacy in Kenya provides the following outcomes:-

  • 100% Guaranteed package as offered by the clinic in Kenya.
  • Maximum results and best output is to be delivered at the pathway of the infertile couples.
  • Provides the success even to the couples whose age is merely about 55 years in case of the treatments through the Surrogacy procedure.
  • The success results should be obtained in between 78% to 88% for better results orientations.
  • The clinic must be worked upon the parameters of CAT means Compassionate, Accountability and Transparency.
  • The experts at the clinic provide the best guide to the couples in case the couple has passed on with the reproductive age.
  • In case the intended parents are not able to produce the qualitative sperms and eggs for the treatment to be made effective relative to the infertility removal than the experts should best guide the couple to take the donors help by the services he or she is providing to the couples with the sperms and eggs that is to become helpful for the couples in owing the baby.
  • The rays of hope are to be adding in the couple’s life that the couple left aside such kind of hope that they get the child.
  • More than 1200 successful cases are there in the clinic till now.
  • Money Back Guaranteed Scheme must be the best option in the failure of Surrogacy which encourages the couple to join our clinic.

How Surrogacy Kenya does works? – Know more about Surrogacy Kenya

The different parameters of the procedure of Surrogacy worked up on the different methodology like the Surrogacy should be done by using:-
* Self eggs and donor’s sperms.
* Self eggs and own sperms.
* Donor’s eggs and donor’s sperms.
* Donor’s eggs and own sperms.

Surrogacy with Self Eggs and Donor’s Sperms

  • Surrogacy should be proved successful in case the intended parents are not able to get the desired results through the usage of own elements than the couple should be guided by the experts that the couple should take the services of the donors. As in case the couple, the female partner have the quality eggs to be produced but the male partner is not able to produce the quality sperms than in such a case the couple should take the donor’s sperms to be mixed well with the self eggs of the intended mother in the laboratory dish to attain the best formulized results.

Surrogacy using self eggs and own sperms

  • Surrogacy with self eggs and own sperms should be determined with the factors that intended parents own elements should be used in making the treatment an effective treatment with all the required components used of the intended parents itself to make the treatment suitable for the parents and a fruitful in announcing the results to be delivered positive and helping the surrogate mother to become pregnant.

Surrogacy using donor’s eggs and donor’s sperms

  • Surrogacy to be made effective with using the donor’s sperms and donor’s eggs with the help of probable results to be delivered in such an aspect to acquire the results in making the treatment an affordable and best suitable for all the couples who are in need of such kind of treatments to be made impacting treatment that obstructs positive results.

Surrogacy with the help of donor’s eggs and own sperms

  • Surrogacy should become effective for all the couples facing the issues of infertility that best suited the treatments for delivering the infertility to be removed as for fertility relative factors that enumerate the results to be obtained in such an aspect that accrue the results therewith the treatment to assess the efficiency in possessing the desired results.

The results should be acknowledged with the effective factors for elaborating the way throughout the accomplishments as per the desired factors that delivers the results in the best way out with the relative treatments in obtaining the best results which delivers the best resulting treatments with such an aspect.

What we Do?



IVF is the treatment which is done through the process in which there are 2 components involved one is the sperms and another one is the eggs which are artificially inseminated by the process which delivers the results of embryos by mixing both of the components in the laboratory dish.

Male infertility

Male infertility is to be determined through the testing process which brings the factors that deliver the results through testing the process of infertility relative factors which determines that the infertility is present in the male partner only within the couple.


Cryopreservation is the process through which the procedure should helped in delivering successful results through liquid preservations of about 80 ℃ to 196 ℃ to be freeze at such a temperature which is helpful in raising the procedure through temperature.

Blastocyst Transfer

The results obtained for the transferring of the treatments through the process of blastocyst transfers that to encompass the embryos which are preserved for long.

Egg Freezing

Egg freezing is the process through which the eggs of the female partner are frozen through the storage process being conducted which becomes helpful for long period to preserve the eggs which give the qualified results helpful for artificial insemination process.

Gynae Services

The services which provides to the female for the reproductive parts where by the treatments involved in such process dealing through the procedure of vagina, uterus and breast which are involved in the process of reproduction.

What are the Requirements for doing Surrogacy Kenya?

For doing the procedure one should have the components involved in such a process like the sperms of the male partner and the eggs of the male partner and also the Surrogate whose rented womb is important for the delivery of the child so in such a case the process of Surrogacy Kenya is to be processed in the form of delivering the child and then hand over the child to the intended parents of the child by the Surrogate mother assigned a legal contract by the Surrogate mother and the intended parents in the legal documents relative to such process where there is the contract between the parties like the surrogate mother, intended parents and the clinic in charge so as to acquire the legal formulations of the child in such a process being completed to hand over the legality of the baby born to the intended parents itself is the prime duty of the clinic in charge.

  • For doing the procedure to be formalized well, the participants of the contract should play a vital role in the completion of the process.
  • With the components like the sperms and eggs should be used by any one of the intended parents and for another component, the intended parents may take the services of the donor as well for another component to be used for making the procedure an assessable procedure.
  • Surrogates eggs are not used in any manner in one way or the other in any sense as in case if surrogate is being related to the child that she has the power to owe a child as the child is biologically relative to the surrogate mother but in case the eggs are not used of the surrogate mother than the surrogate is not connected with the child in any way.
  • In more and more cases it is seen that the surrogate is not involved in the activities relative to the egg donors and has only been involved to owe the rented womb to carry the embryos and deliver the child after 9 months of the process and then hand over the child to the couple who is the intended parents of the child.

Why choose surrogacy cost in Kenya from us?

First off, the surrogacy cost in Kenya is far more reasonable than those in wealthy countries. After that, a lot of laws and regulations were created for a better procedure. As a result, you require GO IVF SURROGACY, the most trustworthy location. We have top-notch resources and support to ensure success. With the best assistance, patients can obtain greater results.

For many couples, the surrogacy price in Kenya is the main draw. It has aided many patients in realizing their goals. You need the best location for the most affordable prices. We therefore have the best resources for offering reasonable prices. The package and many other services we offer to our patients are guaranteed. It supports the budgeting process.

What services are offered by us for surrogacy in Kenya?

  • Top coordination and sophisticated surveillance
  • Counsellors with experience for the best consultation
  • Assistances from selecting to achieve successful outcome
  • Egg or sperm donor facility for surrogate pregnancy
  • Different fertility procedures and treatments
  • Contact us:
  • Call us: 91-989-929-3903


Why choose surrogacy among other procedures?

Surrogacy is highly successful in any other method. Because, other assisted reproductive techniques only provide the pregnancy outcome. But, surrogacy has a high chance that providing a successful child in the hands. It has the best method that includes the surrogate mother and intended parents. As the surrogate mother conceives the intended parents’ child. Also, the entire procedure functions with the legal agreement and other legalities. So, you have a high chance to have a healthy child. Also, the baby has genetic relation with the intended parents. And the surrogate mother has no relation with the resulting child.

What is the surrogate mother’s cost?

The surrogate mother has the altruistic form and compensated form. In the altruistic form, the surrogate mother does not get any monetary benefit. Still, the surrogate mother cost is there. As the surrogate mother needs different accommodations and other necessary things. It includes her living, travelling, nutritional diet, special care, regular doctor visit, etc. These factors increase the surrogate mother cost. And your procedure can include medical insurance. As the intended parents need to provide for the surrogate mother. And the compensation method is maximum illegal in many countries. Or if legal, the intended parents provide the surrogate mother with a monetary benefit.

Is the baby having genetic relation with the intended parents?

Yes, the resulting child will share the genetic relation with the intended parents. Because, the process involves fertilizing the couple’s eggs and sperm. Then, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate mother’s uterus. And, the surrogate mother has no relation with the resulting child. Also, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) helps in the method for successful conception. It means the expert collects the intended parents’ eggs and sperm. Then, they fertilize the healthy gametes under observation. And for pregnancy, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate womb.

Who can choose surrogacy?

Well, surrogacy is a need for couples facing severe conditions. As many health and fertility conditions can become extreme. It causes problems for the couple to conceive their child. Also, no other assisted reproductive technique helps in conceiving. So, surrogacy is the best option to have a healthy child in your hands. The following conditions need the surrogacy process:

  • The female partner does not have a healthy uterus.
  • You have faced multiple miscarriages and pregnancy failures.
  • The couple cannot conceive with other ART procedures.
  • The female partner has severe health conditions (related to the heart or liver)

What happens in surrogacy?

Surrogacy involves the best procedure. It performs with the fertility expert’s guidance. The process helps in successful pregnancy outcomes. It is the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment that functions in surrogacy. Your process will also include the surrogate mother. She is a healthy woman ready to help the couple. As by conceiving the child for the couple. The process functions with a couple’s eggs and sperm. Then for the pregnancy outcome, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate uterus. It helps in the successful pregnancy of the surrogate mother.

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Surrogacy clinic in kenya
Surrogacy in kenya
Surrogate mother kenya
Surrogacy cost in kenya

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    We Offer Surrogacy At very Affordable Cost


    Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

    No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

    About Go IVF Surrogacy:

    With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.


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