How To Find Best Surrogacy Clinic in Hyderabad ?

April 9, 2023 by ivfsurrogacyin0

Rent a womb in Hyderabad

Surrogacy is a process in which a woman gives her consent for executing the task of getting pregnant and carries the baby to term in her womb. And when the time comes, she hands over the baby to the intended parents by performing certain legal formalities. She also pledges to relinquish any parental rights on the child born by her and confers all the rights on the child to the intended parents. As we all know that infertility is a widespread reproductive disease infecting millions of couples around the world. Surrogacy is one of the means by which you can attain parenthood and a child that is biologically connected to you without undergoing the natural method of achieving pregnancy.

Important considerations before choosing GO IVF SURROGACY for surrogacy cost in Hyderabad

  • Highest calibre and the best facilities
  • Various aids and strategies towards a better result
  • Packages with guarantees for surrogacy prices in Hyderabad
  • renowned reproductive specialists and physicians
  • highest success percentage in surrogacy in Hyderabad
  • Highly successful outcomes than any other method
  • Contact us:
  • Call us: 91-989-929-3903

Surrogacy Hyderabad is a legally accepted procedure and the whole process is backed by law. In the case of non-completion of the process, the involved parties, that is, the intended parents and the surrogate may have to bear the consequences. They cannot refuse to take the child and revoke the payment of the surrogate and the surrogate also cannot refuse to give away the child to the intended parents at the time of the delivery. The whole process of surrogacy is transparent in Hyderabad and the patients experience success in the surrogacy treatment in Hyderabad.

At Go IVF Surrogacy, our fertility specialists and medical professionals have extensive experience in the area of fertility treatments. They employ state-of-the-art equipment for surrogacy in Hyderabad and stay updated with all the latest alterations taking place in the fertility department. Our patients benefit from the highest quality treatment and the world-class facilities given at the lowest price possible. Also, we have a track record of providing the finest quality and successful surrogacy services to the patients at a highly reasonable cost.

The procedure of Surrogacy in Hyderabad

There are two types of surrogacy traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Out of this, gestational surrogacy or gestational carrier is a more preferred treatment as it provides the benefit of having a genetically related child to both the parents.

In the process of gestational surrogacy, the intended parents have to undergo the course of IVF treatment in which the eggs and the sperms are combined in a petri dish for achieving fertilization. At the initial stage, the mother has to fertility drugs for inducing her ovulation cycle as the quantity and quality of eggs is crucial for healthy fertilization. The fertilization results in the formation of an embryo. The embryo is conserved in a lab for a period of 4-5 days or till the time it reaches the blastocyst stage.

Therefore, the role of surrogate comes into play where the embryo is transferred into her womb in the process of embryo transfer. Eventually, pregnancy takes place within two weeks and some pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are done to confirm the same. The surrogate carries the pregnancy to term and delivers the baby to them in due time. She may choose to perform surrogacy altruistically or receive payment in return for her services.

Thinks to keep in mind when choosing a surrogate mother in Hyderabad

For choosing the best surrogate for your treatment of surrogacy in Hyderabad, it is crucial that you pick the best surrogate that conforms to all your requirements. At Go IVF Surrogacy, our patients are given the option to choose the best surrogate from our big database of healthy surrogates, which is formulated after performing a comprehensive screening of the surrogate.

Below are some key-points that determine the suitability of the woman as a surrogate.

  • She should age between the ages of 22 to 39 years.
  • She should be healthy, have a great physical well-being
  • She should have the ability to carry a pregnancy to term
  • She should possess the experience of giving birth at least to a one child
  • She should not have any serious health disease and any other physical health issue
  • She should have a positive, pleasing, and endearing personality
  • She should not have any type of mental health problems
  • She should not have habits such as drinking, smoking, or any other addictions

Obtaining the best treatment for Surrogacy in Hyderabad

Go IVF Surrogacy is the best medical tourism company in India that offers the best surrogacy treatment in Hyderabad. We operate in conjunction with the best fertility experts that provide their services in all parts of India at a reasonable cost. The fertility specialists in our medical tourism company are highly experienced and adept at performing the superlative quality Surrogacy Hyderabad. Also, our network hospitals or fertility clinics provided by our medical tourism company offers to the patients the best amenities and first-rate facilities within an affordable price range.

We are known for performing the most effective surrogacy treatment and have performed a lot of successful surrogacy treatment. Our fertility experts utilize the latest technology and equipment and stay abreast of the technological advancements in the domain of fertility treatment.

Surrogacy in Hyderabad
Surrogacy in Hyderabad

What services are offered by us for surrogacy in Hyderabad?

  • Top coordination and sophisticated surveillance
  • Counsellors with experience for the best consultation
  • Assistances from selecting to achieve successful outcome
  • Egg or sperm donor facility for surrogate pregnancy
  • Different fertility procedures and treatments
  • Contact us:
  • Call us: 91-989-929-3903


Why choose surrogacy among other procedures?

Surrogacy is highly successful in any other method. Because, other assisted reproductive techniques only provide the pregnancy outcome. But, surrogacy has a high chance that providing a successful child in the hands. It has the best method that includes the surrogate mother and intended parents. As the surrogate mother conceives the intended parents’ child. Also, the entire procedure functions with the legal agreement and other legalities. So, you have a high chance to have a healthy child. Also, the baby has genetic relation with the intended parents. And the surrogate mother has no relation with the resulting child.

What is the surrogate mother’s cost?

The surrogate mother has the altruistic form and compensated form. In the altruistic form, the surrogate mother does not get any monetary benefit. Still, the surrogate mother cost is there. As the surrogate mother needs different accommodations and other necessary things. It includes her living, travelling, nutritional diet, special care, regular doctor visit, etc. These factors increase the surrogate mother cost. And your procedure can include medical insurance. As the intended parents need to provide for the surrogate mother. And the compensation method is maximum illegal in many countries. Or if legal, the intended parents provide the surrogate mother with a monetary benefit.

Is the baby having genetic relation with the intended parents?

Yes, the resulting child will share the genetic relation with the intended parents. Because, the process involves fertilizing the couple’s eggs and sperm. Then, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate mother’s uterus. And, the surrogate mother has no relation with the resulting child. Also, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) helps in the method for successful conception. It means the expert collects the intended parents’ eggs and sperm. Then, they fertilize the healthy gametes under observation. And for pregnancy, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate womb.

Who can choose surrogacy?

Well, surrogacy is a need for couples facing severe conditions. As many health and fertility conditions can become extreme. It causes problems for the couple to conceive their child. Also, no other assisted reproductive technique helps in conceiving. So, surrogacy is the best option to have a healthy child in your hands. The following conditions need the surrogacy process:

  • The female partner does not have a healthy uterus.
  • You have faced multiple miscarriages and pregnancy failures.
  • The couple cannot conceive with other ART procedures.
  • The female partner has severe health conditions (related to the heart or liver)

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    Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

    No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

    About Go IVF Surrogacy:

    With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.


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