


Age and fertility

Fertility is the ability to achieve pregnancy by an individual and it is a known fact that such ability starts to decrease with the increase in the age of the individual. However, it is hard to tell when this happens as the exact age for reduced infertility differs from individual to individual. Sure there are some cases where the couples have conceived despite their old age but that happens rarely.

In some cases, the couples intentionally postpone pregnancy due to career reasons, not ready to take the responsibility of the child, or due to some unforeseen events that force them to conceive at a later age in life. Age is one of the most crucial factors impacting the fertility of an individual. In women, the ability to make healthy fertile eggs declines as she ages and on the other hand, men also face difficulty producing high motility sperms after a certain age. However, the rate of decline in fertility is greater in women as compared to men.

Generally, women over 35 and men over 40 deals with the problem of infertility and fails at achieving pregnancy despite multiple attempts of trying to do so. When in doubt your stage of fertility it is better to consult a fertility specialist as he can advise you the best as to the actions to take in order to have a child at an old age. He may recommend you undergoing methods of assisted reproduction where they employ a technique to effectuate fertilization without requiring the aid of a human body.

Age of the woman and egg-quality

When a woman is born she has all the eggs in her ovarian reserve that she will ever require in life. But with the increase in her age, she experiences diminished quantity and quality of the eggs as the years go by. The decreases quantity of eggs means the decrease in the chances of her attaining pregnancy. Therefore, there are fewer chances of pregnancy after you reach 30 and the chances become even fewer after the age of 45-50. But there is always hope as pregnancy does naturally happens in some cases and is possible for anyone if they undergo fertility treatments such as IUI, IVF, etc.

A woman is considered to be highly fertile before 30 and after the age of 30, her fertility begins to decline. The rate of decrease in fertility increases considerably after the age of 35 and when she reaches 40, the chances of her achieving pregnancy are cut-down to more than half.

Age of the man and sperm-quality

The age of the man also affects the fertility men above the age of 40 have less chances of making their partner pregnant as they become inefficient at making healthy sperms with the decrease in their age. A man produces millions of sperms each day but man over 40 produces less quantity of sperms due to many reasons. Both the quantity and motility of the sperms starts to reduce with the increase in the age of the man.

However, in some instances, it has happened that men with age 80 and 90 have become a father, but again, that is a rare case and there are certain things associated with the whole scenario that lead to the attainment of pregnancy.

Also, the average of the couple also matter when it comes to achieving pregnancy as most of the time there is a huge age gap between the couples. For instance, the risk of a miscarriage happening is greater in women (even if she is 25)  trying to conceive with a male partner who is over the age of 40, due to the old age of the male partner.

What to do in order to conceive at an old age?

If you have been trying to conceive for a long time and do not see any hope of getting a child, then it is the time to get yourself checked by a fertility doctor. The potential reason behind such inability can be your old age, bad-quality eggs, low motility sperms, or any other specific reason that can only be identified after you visit a fertility clinic. Some of the infertility cases can be cured with fertility medicines, while the more severe cases demand the use of fertility treatment such as IUI, IVF, ICSI, IMSI, PICSI, Surrogacy, etc.

Go IVF Surrogacy is a widely recognized medical tourism company in India operating in collaboration with the best fertility specialists having significant experience in performing various fertility treatments. Our fertility specialist will effectively asses your fertility health in order to find out the cause behind your infertility and will perform the best course of fertility treatment accordingly. We are known to provide affordable fertility treatment in India with high chances of success in the same.


To know whether a male or female facing fertility issues, the specialist will go over some sexual history, health history, any past medical problem, how often the couple involves sexual intercourse and some other relevant information.

A male has to undergo a physical evaluation test and if recommended then the male has to go for a semen analysis test too- these tests clarify the specialist to know the root cause behind his infertility (if there is any). Semen analysis test is a test performed to know if there are any issues in a male’s fertility system. If the sperm is found non-motile, inactive or very less in the count then the specialists will further look for the treatment suitable for his case. We are going to discuss the most preferred fertility treatment options for males (females also) as this page goes down.

Talking about the female fertility diagnostic tests, the specialist starts questioning about female’s any past medical history if any surgery she has been undergone; a physical exam and a pelvic exam is carried out. The specialist makes sure that the female is ovulating properly and releasing the eggs from her ovaries without any barrier. Specialists also take blood tests to evaluate hormonal levels. If necessary, female’s uterus and fallopian tubes are examined by specific X-ray tests and ultrasound.

Approximate 70-80% of females have a common issue behind their infertility with their ovulation issue or have blocked fallopian tubes. Males have sperm issues (such as inactive, less motile, low count of sperm or morphologically unfit sperm). In 5-15% of infertility cases, the cause is unknown or idiopathic.

Women facing ovulation issues can be solved by fertility medication but if a woman faces severe infertility issues such as painful menstrual cycle, irregular ovulation (or menstruation for the past few months), then she needs to undergo advanced fertility treatment options to have own baby. The same goes for males if a male experiences mild male factor infertility, then by the help of IUI treatment he can impregnate his partner.

What are your Fertility Treatment Options- Let’s have a look 

Thanks to the advanced medical technology, this has opened many gates for the childless couples to get their baby by different fertility treatment options. Several Fertility Treatment Options are available to eradicate the couple’s infertility issue such as –

  • Fertility medications and drugs associated with ovary stimulation
  • High-tech ART technique (Assistive Reproductive Technology)
  • IVF or Test Tube Baby Treatment
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • Surgery (if required)

Some other Fertility Treatment Options include the following –

  • One of the advanced Fertility Treatment Option is the Egg Donation Method – This is the procedure, where a fertile and healthy woman donates her eggs to help another infertile female to build her family. The woman who donates her eggs could be a known or unknown egg donor. This is the best treatment option available for those couples, wherein the female partner is unable to supply the fine quality of the eggs.
  • Gestational Surrogacy – This fertility treatment option is best for those couples, who are unfit to carry the pregnancy or have experienced multiple IVF failures; this procedure is best suitable for those females, whose uterus have some abnormalities or maybe the female has undergone the surgery of hysterectomy (the uterus is removed).
  • Adoption method – an option to have a kid (not biologically related) from the third party.

Some Best Fertility Treatment Options – 

I hope you have read the above methods of getting pregnant, along with the above infertility treatments, there are numbers of fertility treatments that are discussed below. These fertility treatment options are the best and preferred in almost all the infertility cases of males and females based on their reports.

It is always not important that a couple has to go for fertility treatment to have their child; rather there are some natural ways too such as weight loss, eating a proper diet, stick on healthy routine (that includes daily exercise, yoga). Yoga is the best way to transform yourself into the happiest way because there are some couples, who at initial phase get frustrated and anxious about not being pregnant, by dong yoga a person feels relax and calm at mind this is why yoga and breathing technique can give in a positive result for your pregnancy.

Those dealing with depression stress of infertility and restlessness can choose fertility treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and counseling.

Even if you are undergoing any advance fertility treatment then yoga helps you to relax and feel better all through the way of treatment. Go IVF Surrogacy is the leading centre that provides a familiar touch along with the best fertility treatment option. This centre is enriched with world-class fertility veterans, who have a high success rate giving maximum live births via IVF treatment.

  1. Medications –

Usually, more than 70% of females face ovulation issues; this disorder can be resolved giving fertility medications to the female. Your doctor can suggest you the way how to go for this treatment.

2. Artificial Insemination – 

This is one of the basic male infertility treatments, where washed sperms are directly placed into the uterus of the female (at the time of her ovulation). This treatment option with or without be done using ovulation medication because if the female is ovulating regularly then an ovulation detector can be used to find the exact date of the female ovulation phase.

3. IVF – 

As stated above too, IVF is one of the most productive and advanced fertility treatment options available to resolve infertility issues. IVF is also performed using different techniques such as donor egg, donor sperm, and donor embryo (as per the case of infertility in a couple).

  1. ICSI – 

ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection involves is followed by IVF treatment but during the procedure of fertilization during ICSI, a single (motile and active) sperm is inserted into each egg (that has been picked up from the female’s ovaries). ICSI is a male infertility treatment and shows a high success rate too.

  1. Fertility Preservation Option – 

Yes, now a couple can preserve their fertility for later, how? They can simply freeze the eggs by choosing an authentic fertility centre you can undergo this procedure.

  1. Egg Donation – 

Women who are unqualified to supply with healthy eggs during the egg retrieval procedure of her IVF treatment, donation egg is the best option to go for. During egg donation, an egg donor undergoes all the medications until the completion of her egg pick-up process.

  1. Surrogacy – 

Surrogacy is the best option in the ART technique and is used by those couples, wherein the female partners are unable to carry the baby in the womb due to any uterine issue (or removal of the surgery- Hysterectomy).


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    Are you facing an issue during the implantation procedure (under your IVF treatment)? If yes, then LAH technique with IVF will be beneficial for you. LAH or Laser Assisted Hatching procedure is nowadays has become the most acceptable process in ART technique and is performed when a female has the issue with her implantation step in IVF.

    Assisted Hatching is usually referred to as LAH, is a procedure where zona pellucida – the outer shell of the embryo is carefully opened with the help of micromanipulation.  It is an advanced method to hatch an embryo to get favorable outcome during implantation of the embryo into the uterus lining. Pregnancy is all dependent on successful implantation and once implantation has occurred, pregnancy soon takes place. The rate of pregnancy turns high with laser assisted hatching method with IVF. Several women before their embryo transfer choose LAH to ensure a positive result of implantation.

    What is Zona Pellucida?

    Zona pellucida plays a crucial role during the entire procedure of LAH method. Retrieved eggs (after completing the dose of fertility medication and injections) not yet fertilized with a sperm, has an outer shell- which is referred as Zona Pellucida, this shell only allow a single sperm that can perforate with it and enter into the cytoplasm of the egg for further cell division. When fertilization happens, that means, a sperm directly enters through zona pellucida reaching into the cytoplasm of the egg, the zona shell keeps the cells of the embryo together.

    Once the sperm bind with the receptor of zona pellucida, one of the zona glycol-protein is liberated, which in turn, causes father sperm to let go more enzymes, now the zona pellucida dissolves in that area and the sperm finally gets all the way through the wall to the actual egg cell.

    The zona pellucid has different functions achieving pregnancy that include in oocyte growth, protection throughout its development, fertilization, spermatozoa binding, not allowing polyspermy, blastocyst growth and prevention of premature implantation.

    What if the embryo’s zona pellucida wall is hard? Obviously, in this case, there will be difficulty in achieving implantation. An embryo may not be able to hatch from its zona to attach to the womb of the recipient.  During LAH procedure, a small hole is created in the zona pellucid of the embryo and with the help of a laser beam and micromanipulation method, the outer side of the embryo is drawn out and this, in turn, smooths the path of embryo hatching and result in easy implantation.  Laser-assisted hatching technique is more rewarding for those women who are above 35.

    The procedure of laser Assisted hatching during IVF with ICSI

    IVF with ICSI treatment is all based on the insertion of single motile and active sperm into each egg (after the collection of the unfertilized egg from each ovary). By using the advance micromanipulation technique, fertility experts select the sperm individually and microinjected into each egg. Once the insertion is done, fertility specialists wait and check the sign of fertilization in each oocyte or egg. ICSI is best suitable for male infertility factor; where the male partner sperm is unfit to self penetrate with the egg.

    LAH or Laser-assisted hatching is a technique, is always used during the process of IVF. This method is performed after the third or fourth day of the fertilization step. LAH is not at all a time-taking technique. During LAH technique with IVF in ICSI, a laser beam is employed on the outside shell of an embryo; many of the people think that during this technique, the embryo is in danger from this laser but it’s not like this. Here the embryo does not come directly in contact with the laser, so the embryo is out of any harm.

    The beam is performed by using an infrared 1.48-μm diode laser. Zona pellucida gets softened by this laser beam and hence the opening of an embryo is enhanced after this laser technique.

    Laser Assisted Hatching with IVF in ICSI treatment is not a delayed method; this hardly takes few milliseconds. Laser beam thins the wall of zona pellucida shell to around 10 microns. And once this shell is softened, embryo hatching easily happens.

    If the embryo doesn’t hatch properly, implantation and pregnancy will not take place and hence it is mandatory for the implantation- hatching is a must.

    Who can undergo IVF with LAH?

    • Women, who are above their fertility age (usually at the stage of 35-40) – can opt for IVF with LAH. As the woman’s age increases, the shell becomes harder and occurring trouble in implantation. So, basically, zona pellucida softness and hardness is based on the age of the woman. This is the main reason, why younger women do not opt LAH with their IVF treatment because their shell is gentle than elder women.
    • Women whose shell of an embryo is thick and unable to hatch naturally.
    • Women, who have high follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level, can go for this method.
    • Couples, who have chosen frozen embryo transfer in their IVF (the process of thawing or freezing the embryos make zona pellucida hard)
    • Poor quality of the embryo and be short of energy and nutrients to outright the hatching process.

    Success Rate and the Cost of LAH with IVF/ICSI 

    If we talk about the success rate of LAH with IVF/ICSI, then must say it results in good live birth through ART technique. Somehow, the success depends upon the embryologist’s experience and fertility team too.

    LAH is the delicate process that must be carried out in a sophisticated manner and thus it needs skillful hands for accomplishment. The success rate of LAH is basically depended on –

    • Age of the woman
    • Embryo quality
    • Clinic’s success rate
    • Embryologist experience and qualification

    Go IVF Surrogacy is the golden platform, which unravels any case of infertility in a calm way and results best in success rate. Providing all the latest techniques with ultra-modern equipment during the medication, it is famed for its high success rate and delivery counts.  The cost of LAH in India ranges from INR 20,000 to INR 30,000 (excluding the charges of IVF/ICSI). LAH has been proven as the best method to increase the chance of attaining pregnancy.

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      The pregnancy should be done with an ease and that too must be within such a very first attempt as usually happens with the couples but in some other cases the couple should have more than expected time to conceive as the particular couple have some kind of infertility issues they are more or less facing with or maybe the body of the patient not allowed in doing such a task in the very first attempt but for some couples maybe it is a ray of hope that fulfills their all dreams while treating with one cycle of IVF only as the possibility that is happening at our clinic Go IVF Surrogacy.

      It’s really an important task to be done with careful whole of the task as the couple is planning for the baby so in such a particular case the couple including both the partner should adopt a healthy lifestyle including: –

      • Nonsmoking atmosphere
      • Non-consumption of alcohol
      • Not to take drugs
      • And intake of prenatal vitamin

      All the above factors should be taken care of and must be kept in mind to create a healthy environment which helps the female partner in conceiving.

      The attempts for getting pregnancy should be totally dependent upon the factors like: –

      • Age of the female
      • The health of the male and female both as a couple
      • Now facing of the genetic disorder by the couple themselves and the family members of the couple including the family of both the male and female members.

      How IVF helps in the removal of sterility issues?

      As sterility becomes a common issue for the married couples now a day as one in every ten of the the couple is facing the relative issue of infertility and which becomes a common cause and IVF treatment helps in resolving such kind of issues with the same as the couple should be accelerating the fertility to be more or less announced with the pregnancy to be carrying with the woman facing difficulty to make it a term and so that it brings the issues for the females who are above the age of 35 years and despite then the female is not been able to produce the qualified eggs which are needed for the pregnancy to be have done with probable completion.

      Also, the problem must be with the sperms of the male partner too as the male partner if having the age above 45 years than he is not able to extract the sperms which must be of the sound quality and also which is more or less required in making the female pregnant. Adding on to this also, he might face some problems of genetic disorders and genetic abnormalities relative and included within such an issue to be resolved with such kind of acquisitions and also with the increasing age too he is facing the relative issues of the same aspect.

      How often the couple gets to know about the problem with sterility?

      When the female is not able to conceive after one or two years of unprotected intercourse than in such a case the couple should be in a stage so as to consult the case with the fertility experts and with the the help of some kind of tests of the male and the female partner the experts should be able to analyze that the cause that is basically relative to which partner should be identified with such a kind and the relative solutions should be recommended by the doctor for the removal of such kind of problems the couple is more or less dealt with. This is the case of the couple who are within the reproductive age.

      But in case the couple is over the reproductive age in such a case the couple should consult a doctor or a fertility expert if there are 6 months unprotected intercourse and the couple tried for the pregnancy of the female but it fails then the couple should undergo with the infertility programs and the relative treatment in the form of IVF and other such treatments of the same kind like the treatment of ICSI, IVF, IUI and Surrogacy are the common treatments advised by the fertility experts in case the couple is facing the similar kind of issues which is to be relative with infertility no matters who is the sufferer like the male or the female partner within the couple should be resolved by the fertility expert well.

      Related Article  :- Surrogacy In Ukraine 



      Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

      No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

      About Go IVF Surrogacy:

      With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.


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