


If you get your pregnancy test positive, the next question in your mind is that when I conceive a baby. It is very difficult to tell the exact day or date when you get pregnant. Even if you had intercourse one time during your cycle and became pregnant, it is possible that the day when you had intercourse was not the same day you conceived. That is the reason that men sperm can survive inside your vagina for up to five days after you had intercourse and it will wait for an egg to become available during ovulation.

How to Calculate the Conception Date?

It is impossible to calculate the exact conception date, but it is possible for your fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy to calculate a nearby time in which you would likely to be conceived. If you are thinking that when you conceived than the best clues are to use the last date of your periods.

Generally, most of the fertility experts calculate the pregnancy date based on your last menstrual period. If you have a regular cycle which means you get your periods around 28 days then you can estimate that your ovulation will take place around day 14 of your cycle.

So, now you can easily figure out that when you conceived and how far along you are, you just need to think back to your last period and add 14 days from your first day of menstruation. In this way, you can use this data to estimate that when you may have conceived and also you can count from there how far along you may be. For example, if your fertility expert says that you are 8 weeks pregnant then based on your last period, you can count 14 days from the first day of your last period and can use this date as your conception date.

Knowing this, many couples start thinking that conception dates are accurate. It is difficult to say, as it has been noticed that the fertility expert will give you the pregnancy date based on your last period even though you would not have been pregnant that day. This is the reason that it becomes because to pinpoint the exact conception dates. Many women know the conception window and they use this information when making pregnancy and medical decisions because they are the ones who can be rather accurate considering ovulation that will occur in a shorter period.

However, the women who are dealing with abnormal cycles or fertility issues such as PCOS or endometriosis for them it is difficult to pinpoint the conception dates.

When Does Conception Take Place?

The exact moment when the conception will take place is not clear, but it begins when a sperm burrows into the women’s egg within 24 hours after ovulation. Some study says conception will take place when men sperm meets women egg, and the other says it will take place when the combination of sperm and egg implant into the women uterus.

What are the Symptoms during Ovulation?

The following are the symptoms that occur at the time of ovulation and these are:

a) Cervical fluid changes: This is a symptom of ovulation in which your cervical mucus will be clear and stretchy just like egg white.

b) Change in cervix texture and position: The study says that during ovulation the cervix is open and this is a time when it becomes softer and it’s positioned goes up to a higher level.

c) Mild bloating: It has been found that there is a rise in estrogen levels before ovulation and this will trigger the release of LH (luteinizing hormone). This surge in hormones is a cause of water retention and it leads to feelings of bloat.

d) Mild cramping: Some women feel a twinge on one side of their lower abdomen and this will only last for a few hours.

e) Changes in basal body temperature: It has been found that after the women ovulate, there will be a rise in temperature has seen. In this case, women need to track their basal body temperature over several months to predict when ovulation occurs.

f) Light spotting: This is a symptom of ovulation which rarely occurs, but some women may experience light spotting when they wipe. In such cases, the bleeding should not be heavy, red, or last more than a few hours.

How to Track the Menstrual Cycle?

According to the study, the menstrual cycle will last from 26 to 35 days. This is a time when few things occur and these are:

  • Days 1 to 7: You will have a period and this is a time when your uterine lining is shed if there is no pregnancy found.
  • Days 10 to 14: This is the time when you are fertile or you ovulate when an egg is released from your ovaries. This is a time when the chances of conceiving are high.
  • Days 15 to 35: This is a stage; if you get pregnant them implantation will take place. This stage is also known as the luteal phase.

This is an average cycle for many women and for those women who have irregular monthly cycles, for them, it is difficult to calculate the ovulation period and there is no real way of calculating that when ovulation will take place for them without some type of hormone testing, which can be done with an over-the-counter ovulation predictor kit or blood test.

How to Calculate Due Date?

On average, a baby born 40 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. This is the way your fertility expert will calculate the gestational age. This will include the two weeks before conception when a woman is not pregnant and it is usually based on a 28 days cycle, and these days need to be adjusted for longer or shorter cycles. But, even with adjustments, it has been found that less than 30% of women deliver the baby on their calculated due dates, so it is normal if women give birth two weeks before or after the estimated due date.

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    Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

    No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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