Can I get Pregnant at my 40’s?

May 16, 2019 by ivfsurrogacyin0

A complete YES! You have heard right, if you are planning to get pregnant at your 40’s then there is yet time remaining with you but for it, you need to go a little hard. Experts say ‘It’s never too late to get pregnant’, same case is there with those women, who have delayed their pregnancy or may be due to some other reason they have shifted their plan to get conceived, there are some women who have gotten married late or the one who wants to have baby in second marriages. Women who are damn busy in pursuing their career also delayed their pregnancy. This is the reason, why a certain number of women phases a hard time to achieve their baby at an increased age.

Why it is hard to get pregnant at your increased age?

Age, Age, and Age!!!! True, age is a vital factor that contributes to success in pregnancy. Fertility is all about the matter of age.  The older the woman, the lesser is her possibility of conception, the fertility window is best before the age of 35. A woman is born with all the eggs at her birth time; the older a woman get her healthy eggs to decline, thereby dropping off the chances of her being conceived. This is the significant reason, why fertility specialist recommends the couple to have a baby by the age of 30 or max 35 because at this age woman’s egg quality is strong enough to be fertilized with the sperm, resultant a healthy embryo.

How to get Pregnant at the ’40s?

Even if you are planning for your pregnancy at your 40, what you need to take care of one thing and that is your Healthy Lifestyle. Living a healthy and happy life even before pregnancy or at the time of pregnancy is very important to get a fine and fettle baby. A healthy diet involves whole grains, fresh fruits and a higher amount of protein. Regular exercise, meditation, and a healthy habit maintain fertility potential too.

With the help of advanced technology and medical science, the options of motherhood at a late age are possible. There are three means to have own baby after the age of 40, they are –

  1. The natural way of conception
  2. IVF with the help of own eggs
  3. IVF using donor eggs

The first option is quite hard to achieve. Once in a rare case, is found, where the egg quality in women who have reached their 40, is fine and up to the requirements for natural fertilization. Once a woman gets the age of their 35 and so, her egg becomes unable to fertilize easily or we can say, it loses the capacity of being fertilized with the sperm.

Natural conception depends upon how far you are into your 40’s. Based on the average annual rate of pregnancy per cycle of women at 40’s it is 20-25% and this value falls down at an increasing age of 40. Once a woman reaches 45, she is far less likely to get pregnant naturally. Women, who conceive at their 40’s, have chances of miscarriage and birth defects. Usually, women experience these two complications at an older age while trying to get pregnant.

Now you must be wondering about some effectual methods to get pregnant at the ’40s. There is never late when you will consider fertility treatments to get conceived. True! Treatments such as IVF, ICSI are considered as a boon for several infertile couples to eradicate infertility issue in men and women. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading fertility clinics that encompasses all ART techniques starting from basic to super advanced, the success rate of this clinic ranges from 55-65% (depends upon the case of infertility too).

During IVF treatment with own eggs at the ’40s, you might hardly get positive outcome as your eggs at that age lose the capacity of being fertilized with the sperm. For IVF with own eggs, your experts will monitor the quality of your egg level first then according to their say, you can go further.

IVF Treatment with Donor egg is beneficial and it is the most productive one to achieve pregnancy at your 40’s. Speak to your expert of you are Ok with the idea of egg donor IVF treatment. Egg Donor IVF is a far effective method and is used when the recipient female is unable to unleash the productive and fine quality of the egg.

According to the latest study, it has been proved that in the early ’40s, about 30-40% of women are able to conceive through the procedure of IVF donor eggs method. Overall IVF using donor egg results in a successful outcome. On average, the success rate of pregnancy with the help of a donor’s egg in women under the age of 45 is higher than those above that age. That is why, it is recommended for women, who are planning to delay pregnancy beyond 45, need to think about other methods such as eggs/embryo frozen technique (earlier).

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    Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

    No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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