How many IVF Cycles One Should Go Before Giving Up?

May 3, 2019 by ivfsurrogacyin0

IVF is an advanced fertility treatment that has been widely accepted as the best ART technique to get rid of infertility issue. Infertility, on the other hand, is a hormonal disorder caused by several factors like lifestyle routine, environmental effects, stress, depression, addiction of smoke or alcohol, poor and unhealthy diet, etc.

IVF has been a miracle ART treatment for numerous couples yet and it is doing its best in the area of infertility matter. However, if you didn’t get success at first attempt of your IVF cycle then what to do? How many IVF cycles should I try before giving up and moving on to other option to accomplish my family? Generally, this question comes in the mind of the couple once they had their IVF unsuccessful. Let’s get into an elaborate description of this answer.

IVF never comes up with the promise –

IVF, although a productive treatment to eradicate infertility, never gives assurance to the couple about its 100% result. Several people think that once they get into their IVF treatment, it’s only a matter of time until they will be holding their baby soon after treatment. However, this is not true!

IVF is no doubt most acceptable treatment to get own baby but IVF does not give you 100 percent success result for pregnancy. Age of the woman also decide the chances of pregnancy.

Woman’s age is one of the crucial factors that result in IVF as a big hit for the infertile couple. As the age of the woman increases, her egg quality declines. That’s the reason, why menopause occurs in women. Once the woman comes in the age group of 45-50, her menstruation becomes over due to the natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from aging. It marks a permanent end to the women’s fertility and the average of menopause is approximate 51-53.

So, if a woman outlines their pregnancy after her forties or late 40’s then even IVF won’t work properly because, at this age, women’s egg quality goes down.  At this time, IVF with donor egg may be an option to get conceived.

At the conclusive statement, we can say that the chances of success decrease with the age of the couple.

IVF success rate also differs from one clinic to other, so it is very important to seek out best fertility specialist or the fertility clinic to undergo with IVF cycle. Ask the clinic’s success rate and live birth rates of the clinic rather than getting the information on pregnancy rates.  The average success rate of IVF for a woman under 35 years of age is 65-67% by Go IVF Surrogacy. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading fertility clinics that put forward best IVF fertility treatment to the patient.

IVF Cycle Limitation for the couple –

A couple can have their IVF cycle as much as they can; the decision is totally up to them and of course couple’s fertility specialists. Many of the couples have has their tenth IVF cycle and achieved success, while some couple just has given up trying for the first time IVF by getting a negative result. It’s all up to the patience level and trust on IVF, which attract numerous couples to go for their 3rd or 4th IVF cycle.

A couple can go ahead for as many IVF cycles as they want but what they really need to be aware of is their budget. Undergoing IVF cycles twice thrice or even ninth time requires a couple’s time, patience and most important.

Fertility specialist usually recommends the couple to undergo at least 3-4 IVF cycles because, during 2nd or 3rd IVF cycle, the majority of the couples experience success from this technique.

Couples especially women who undergo with their IVF treatment are filled with so much hope and a belief that IVF will soon turn a boon for their life, so for them, keep the faith and trust during your IVF cycle but don’t rely on IVF as devastation can be strong if a cycle is unsuccessful. So, be prepared for both- positive or negative result.

Is there any Age limitation on IVF?

IVF-is a technique and a far advance treatment to resolve the issue of the couple’s infertility disorder. IVF treatment can be applied or combined with other ART techniques as well, dependent on infertility case of the patient. As per now, there is not as such age limit for women undergoing IVF treatment. Women can go for their own egg IVF procedure until they reach their menopause stage. If a woman has entered their menopause stage then IVF is somehow possible only with donor egg.

Till now, it has been found in the data that several women in their 40 are to have achieved progress in their IVF treatment, although positive results at this age (after 40) are not very high.

Anyways, if talking about approximate IVF cycle a woman can try is at least three IVF cycle and the rest of the choice is on you and your infertility case.

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