


Embryo Donation has become an important option to consider for fertility treatment, among many of the choices for those who are seeking for best fertility medication, settles on Embryo donation to have a healthy pregnancy. Embryo donation is a globally accepted method to say Good-Bye of couple’s infertility days. Embryo donation is much more reasonable and its success rate of pregnancy or live birth is also relatively higher than other fertility treatments in ART technique.

Chapter and Verse details of Embryo Donation –

Embryo donation is the procedure, where an infertile couple, who has already been undergone their IVF treatment, if produced extra embryo after the procedure of fertilization and if they consent to give that extra healthy embryo to any other infertile couple –this is how it goes the process of embryo donation.

Couples, generally thinks that for building a complete family by this method is similar to adopting the child at the earliest stage of life, hence this procedure is sometimes called embryo adoption.

We can say that embryo donation is a new way to attain the tag of parenthood; this latest fertility option has allowed the opportunity for those couples, who have struggled with their infertility obstacle to experiencing the golden days of pregnancy and the joy of giving birth.

Embryo Donation is also referred to as embryo adoption and is one of the most useful procedures to eliminate infertility issue. Infertility, on the other hand, could be of various types; right now, we are talking about that infertility problem, where both – male and the female in the couple can’t make the grade to unleash motile sperms and healthy eggs for IVF fertilization procedure.

Embryo donation is similar to sperm donation or egg donation process, where the child after birth is considered as the legal child of the couple; same in embryo donation happen.  Go IVF Surrogacy is the ongoing medical health tourism company that puts forward the best treatment and the success rate of any of the fertility treatment. Embryo donation is said to be best for those couples, who have crossed the age of forty’s and thus unable to come up with their healthy sperms and eggs.

One of the most effective fertility treatments to unlock the key of Infertility –

As mentioned above, Embryo Donation is the most preferred treatment to unlock the matter of infertility. This procedure comes as the boon for those couples, who are neither producing eggs nor sperms for successful fertilization and thus impotent to give birth by own.

Embryo Donation is a beneficial and fruitful technique to enjoy the days of parenthood. If talking about the success rate of Embryo Donation, then it is decent. The rate of the babies from embryo donation by Go IVF Surrogacy is 75-80% is considered using recent or frozen embryos. The success rate of embryo donation is relatively higher than other fertility treatments used for elucidating infertility cause. Here, the eggs are already fertilized with the sperms; hence, there is not any question of fertilization. Thus receiving healthy embryos without any risk, this procedure becomes successfully accomplished..

Other Fertility treatments –

There are numerous fertility treatments, which is said to be the most effective medications to undergo to put an end to infertility condition.

One of the widely accepted and successful fertility treatments is IVF – In Vitro Fertilization. IVF is the treatment, where eggs and sperms are collected from the partners and then it is combined with each other in the fertility lab. Any of the ART technique treatment is best done inside the fertility clinic only. One thing you all have to be aware of- your fertility expert. It is essential to choose the best fertility clinic for your fertility treatment.

ART is a medical term that consists of various advance fertility treatments to solve infertility. IVF amongst all the other treatments is globally performed to decipher infertility matter. IVF treatment is sometimes combined with other techniques, such as ICSI, IMSI, PICSI, Sperm surgical aspiration to get favorable outcome accordingly the case of infertility, the couple is facing from.

How often ART technique is successful?

Whether it is IVF or ICSI, age plays an essential role in the entire procedure of the treatment, given below are the factors that affect the success rate of the fertility treatments in ART –

  • Age of the couples
  • Eggs quality
  • Embryo quality
  • Sperms motility and shape of it
  • Fertility clinic and the expert’s experience

With the hands of a master and crackerjack fertility experts by Go IVF Surrogacy, it is specified that ART cycles, which led to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy delivery were as follow

  • 65-67% success rate under the age of 35 in women
  • Women who are in between the age of 35-37, have a 50% success rate
  • 35-40% in women aged 37-40
  • 20-30% in women aged 41-43

Bottom Line –

In short, Embryo donation is referred to as giving the remaining embryos, resulting from IVF procedure to that couple who is impotent to produce their own embryo. This extra embryo is transferred into the recipient woman’s uterus for a later procedure such as implantation and successful delivery. Hence, the infertile couple happily welcomes the jovial phase of their parenthood.

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    The basic success rate after embryo transfer depends upon the performance of a fertility clinic and the way the couple cares themselves. In any of the treatments, whether it is fertility-related medication or any surgery, the patient is recommended to take rest as much as possible as per the guidelines said by the doctor. In this page, we are going to discuss that concern issue, which is revolving day by day around the world. Infertility and IVF treatment, infertility is defined as the inability to give birth. IVF treatment in the ART technique is the universal remedy to get rid of this issue. Though infertility can’t be eliminated by its base root it can be solved temporarily by the fertility treatment relate to the patient’s issue.

    Once a couple undergoes IVF treatment, the couple is generally baffled about their successful pregnancy. The crucial point comes in the patient’s days after embryo transfer during IVF treatment. Yes! If a couple has their first IVF cycle, then their nervousness increases at the time of embryo transfer.

    These are some important points, which a couple must follow after their embryo transfer to get a favourable result in implantation and pregnancy –

    The first thing, which a couple should know is to avoid vigorous exercise –

    Some females think that after embryo transfer, rest is mandatory as much as possible; it’s not true actually. This thing is obviously appropriate that a woman must have to avoid heavy workout and vigorous exercise but she should not leave her day to day activity after embryo transfer.

    So, basically, you don’t have to restrict all your normal activities but it is strictly recommended for a female not to do high impact exercise, this is because a difficult exercise can stimulate her uterine contraction and if it occurs when there may be negative sign during her pregnancy.

    Intercourse- Yes! Sexual intercourse should also be avoided during these days. Some fertility clinics might have a different opinion regarding this statement but it is sure, while you do intercourse, uterine contraction occurs and that obviously has an adverse effect on a woman’s pregnancy. So, it is better to walk on the safe side and abstain from sexual intercourse for some time.

    Try to make yourself calm and positive –

    Those females, who have been through so much in the weeks of her IVF up to the embryo transfer, such as taking regular medications, hormonal injections, egg retrieval and then the step comes embryo transfer, now this is an important time to make yourself at ease and nurture.

    Try to take sufficient sleep and do that work, which makes you happy. If you want to watch movies, serials, go for it, enjoy your time and be positive. It happens in some cases, some females feel anxious and stressed so for them, the best option is to go for a walk with your partner and have a sweet talk together, this may create mood normal.

    No to say hot Shower –

    Yes! This is one of the important points, which has to be taken care of by the women who have completed her embryo transfer. Things you have to avoid are- taking hot tubs, hot yoga- by doing these activities, the female may raise her internal temperature and this should be totally avoidable.

    You can have a soothing lukewarm shower (as per the recommendation by your fertility expert)

    Eat the way as if you are Pregnant –

    True! One of the biggest questions comes in the mind of the female at this time is – what to eat and what to avoid.

    So, for them, who are confounded about their dietary chart, let them aware- No need to worry about your chart plan. You just eat as if you are pregnant.  Have lots of implantation diet and healthy foods. Stick on green vegetables, fresh fruits, protein, fiber-containing products, etc.

    For some duration, say bye for that food, which contains high-mercury fish, soft cheese. You should better take a complete data or diet schedule from your fertility expert. She will give the best guidance in looking your case. Alcohol, nicotine, usage of drugs and caffeine- these are some harmful substances, which you need to avoid completely.

    The Bottom line –

    These are some significant points, which a woman should do after her embryo transfer to get a favorable result in her pregnancy. You can speak to your doctor about the dosage of the supplements. Supplements of mineral or vitamin can have a beneficial impact on these days. You can add a supplement of folic acid, vitamin D and also vitamin B.


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      Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

      No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

      About Go IVF Surrogacy:

      With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.


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