How long does IVF Take from the First Attempt?

November 13, 2018 by ivfsurrogacyin0

In Vitro Fertilization means in the glass that the fertilization should be done in the laboratory dish with the usage of fine quality eggs and sperms that must be done along with the factors in order for the removal of infertility issues.

The first attempt of IVF on an average takes about 6 to 8 weeks to be completed as from the recommended treatment and medication till the transferring of embryos to the female’s uterus. Let us discuss the weekly cycle in detail: –

Week 1: – Prescriptions by the experts

In some of the cases, the treatment should be required with such aspect because of the stress and the hurdles that are because of the workload in the organization and the busy schedule as per the day to day uncomfortable with the work pressure and then which in turn may lead to courageous acquisitions which leads to infertility and towards the most significant opportunity for the treatment of infertility that starts with day 1 consultation and till the medication, it may cover the whole week.

And the medications that are being prescribed by the fertility experts should assess diagnosis with such a process that is more or less assessed within such a scenario to be over with the consultation option and a sound planning and progressions that is to be needed with the informed counseling and the maximize stress reduction process is to be explained by the consultant who is more or less accelerates with the IVF treatment and fertility program to be done with greater explorations dealing with the a financed and comfortable procedure that if the couple is not affording such a treatment than in such a case the financial supporter relative with the fertility insurance and other financial support should be chosen.  

Week 2 to 4: -Treatment starts

With such a weekly process, the treatment planning should be assessed and sorted as the doctor should prescribe for many tests that are needed before the treatment should be started. The tests include:-

  • Blood tests of the male and the female before starting the treatments of both in case of IVF treatment.
  • Ultrasound of the female should be done before, during and after the treatment relative to IVF.
  • Infectious Disease Screening should be accused of the fertility treatment relative to IVF.
  • Uterine evaluation of both male and female.
  • Male fertility tests and also the screening and analysis of the fertility related to males and
  • Females both.
  • If the couple wishes to start the cycle soon for the treatment than in such case experts prescribed to take birth control pills.

Week 5 to 6: – Start taking the medicines

After the 4 the weekend than the female should be advised to take the medicines that are more or less prescribed for fertility to be assessed herewith the procedure to be completed as normally the female should produce 1 to 2 eggs but with the help of the medicines that are being allured with such kind of intake of medicines than the female should produce triple the eggs as in the normal production but with this intake of medicines the female’s body should produce more than the eggs than through natural process.

But once the process regarding medications should be over than the female should be monitored well by the doctor and the expert should keep a close eye over the whole process before and after the medication procedure should be over.

Week 7 to 8: – Injections, egg retrieval and the fertilization process

After the days passed on, the fertility treatment should be monitored well and now the time to make the treatment sophisticated for the best result and the positive outcome.

Egg retrieval needs an injection so that the eggs should be retrieved out of the ovaries directly after using the fine quality needle which is being inserted in the ovaries and then the eggs should be extracted out of the female’s body. On the same day, sperms semen should be taken by the doctor as on the day of egg retrieval so that the combination of both the elements should be taken in order to complete the procedure of fertilization.

After the combination of both the elements should be completed then the fertilization should take place in order to obtain the embryos within the laboratory dish. Then they formed embryos should be transferred in the female’s uterus after 2 to 3 days of the completion of the fertilization process.

After the IVF Process to be completed

After the process of IVF treatment to be completed, then there should be 2 pregnancy tests that are being conducted within the clinic.

  • Pregnancy tests 1: – After 2 weeks of the embryos transfer, the pregnancy should be tested by the experts in the clinic. It is to be tested for pregnancy test 2 if the pregnancy test 1 is assisted positive outcome.
  • Pregnancy tests 2: After 1 week of the pregnancy test 1, pregnancy test 2 should be scheduled and if both the tests outcomes are positive after that within a week the ultrasound tests should be done with the following purpose in order to know the successful results.

Treatments that are best suitable for infertility to be turned towards fertility

The issues of sterility can be removed with the help of medicines, Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) and IUI treatments are the best suitable for such sterility relative issues to be removed from root to tip.

  • The medicine that is best suitable for infertility removal should be clomid and the citrate.
  • Follicle related hormones.

IUI treatment is the artificial technique that is used to inject sperms into the uterus with the help of a catheter.

  • Artificial Reproductive Technique (ART) includes ICSI, sperm donor, egg donor, and Surrogacy.
  • ICSI is to be done by injecting a sperm directly into the egg for fertilization to be done and the formation of the embryos.
  • Donors are used whether an egg donor or a sperm donor in case the couple whether a male partner or a female partner is not able to produce sound quality which is required for the completion of the fertilization process.
  • Surrogacy should be done in case all the above techniques fail in order to remove infertility.

The reason behind male infertility and female infertility in a predefined manner

  • Female infertility

Female infertility can be caused due to ovarian issues like if the female is not able to ovulate the eggs or the minimum quality of eggs is ovulated by the female and by the blockage found in Fallopian tubes.

Ovulation problems or issues can be because of: –

  • Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the main relative cause that is being associated with ovarian issues.
  • Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) is another relative cause that is to be associated with ovarian relative issues.

Blockage found in the Fallopian Tubes is another relative issue of female sterility: –

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is another cause that is relative to the blockage found in the fallopian tubes of the female partner of the couple.
  • Endometriosis is also relative to blockage in Fallopian tubes.

There is also the uterus issue that is basically relative to Fibroids found in the inner lining of the female’s uterus and must be removed with the help of a small surgery. uterus and must be removed with the help of a small surgery.There is also the uterus issue that is basically relative to Fibroids found in the inner lining of the female’s uterus and must be removed with the help of a small surgery.

  • Male Infertility

Male sterility is due to following reasons: –

  • Varicocele that means the veins presented in the Testicles gets enlarged.
  • In case the shape of the sperms is not normal.
  • Surgery on the reproductive part that restricts sperm production.
  • In case of alcohol consumption, smoking or intake of a heavy dosage of drugs.
  • In the case of cancer treatments, a male partner should become infertile.
  • In case of the genetic disease that may further lead to genetic disorders in the male’s body.


Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

About Go IVF Surrogacy:

With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.


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