Male Infertility: Unfocused Part –

April 12, 2019 by ivfsurrogacyin0

Infertility or sterility can’t be weed out from its root but it can be treated artificially. Male infertility is found to be undistinguished nowadays. Male infertility refers to a male’s inability to impregnate his fertile female partner. Male infertility affects approximate 7-8% of all men. Male fertility depends upon the quantity and quality of the sperms.

A man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperms are of poor quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to make his female pregnant.

Couples, who face with infertility disorder, approximately 35% is due to male factor, 35% is of female, 20% of cases have a combination of both male and female factors, and the last 10% are unexplained causes. It is estimated that 1 in 20 men faces with some kind of fertility issue throughout life (especially a low number of sperm and sperm less motility). However, only one in 100 men found to be no sperm at all in his ejaculation.

There are numerous reasons why some male doesn’t seem to be a father of his own toddler, the first factor of male infertility is his quality & quantity of the sperm and the second factor is quite rare, i.e. no sperm at all in the semen. Male infertility treatment depends on the matter of infertility case. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading health care companies that serve infertile patients, who are seeking for the best and peerless fertility treatment to get rid of their infertility cause.

How to Find Out if a Male is Infertile?

In the case of males, there are no obvious signs of infertility. Physical exam by a urologist, Semen Analysis, Blood check up to know hormone level, STD Testing, Ultrasound (that evaluates male seminal vesicles and scrotum), Vasography, Testicular Biopsy, Acrosome Reaction, Post-ejaculation urinalysis- these are some of the most preferred male fertility tests and out of all, semen analysis test is the most acceptable testing procedure to check male fertility.

During semen analysis, the semen sample is collected into a sterile jar and bestowed to the fertility lab under the guidance of experts; they examine the sample underneath a microscope to know the sperm count, its shape, appearance, and quality of the sperm.

What is the Common Judgement by General People about Male Infertility?

Since women give birth to a baby and men don’t, people often have faith that infertility is all due to the female body. Historically, according to the biblical, or the texts of the classical Greeks, women were primarily blamed for not conceiving. This misperception is somewhere going on these days as well.

Infertility is not always a woman’s issue; man is solely responsible for it. Both, male and female are equally in charge of infertility diagnosis. Most male infertility is linked with low sperm count, poor sperm quality, abnormal shape, and poor sperm movement.

There is a term, known as Menopause (when a female completely loses her ability to become pregnant) but not Andropause, that doesn’t mean a man does not lose his fertility potential, at a certain age, man’s sperm count and motility becomes low. Moreover, nowadays, men are overtaking women in the counts of infertility issues.

Factors that affect Male Fertility –

There has been strong evidence globally that sperm quality of men has been coming down over the past few decades and the main cause of it is environmental, occupational and urban or modern lifestyle factors, these are some of the significant points that hit male fertility case.

Lifestyle factors include unhealthy diet, smoking cigarettes, intake of alcohol, use of illicit drugs, stress & tension, lack of sleep, exposure to industrial area chemical, electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone, coffee consumption.

Cigarette smoking is referred to as a high potential risk for decreased male infertility. Smoking causes a decline in sperm quality. The concentration of sperm in male smokers is found to be 15-18% lower than of non-smokers. The cigarette has been adversely linked with sperm counts, sperms motility and its shape or morphology. The decline in male’s semen quality was found to be heavier (>20 cigarettes/day) and moderate smokers (10–20 cigarettes/day) compared to mild smokers (1–10 cigarettes/day).

Diet and nutrition always matter for a healthy body and sound mind. Proper diet and nutritious food play a vital role in semen quality. Balanced diet improves male fertility rate and ameliorates semen quality.

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    Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

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