


Availing Affordable and supreme-quality Surrogacy in Bangalore

Surrogacy Bangalore is one of the most advanced fertility treatments in which the couple is offered the facility to take the services of another woman called surrogate mother. The surrogate mother agrees to carry the pregnancy to term on behalf of the intended parents and deliver the baby to them in due course. This surrogacy treatment is done when the woman is not able to effectively execute the task of getting pregnant due to various health reasons.

The surrogate mother is selected after extensive screening by our fertility specialists at Go IVF Surrogacy. We are a widely known medical travel agency in India having fertility specialists possessing over thirty years of expertise in the domain of fertility treatment. We offer the services of the best and healthy surrogates as we have a big database of a surrogate mother, which is curated after comprehensive screening and assessment of the potential surrogate mothers.

Important considerations before choosing GO IVF SURROGACY for surrogacy cost in Bangalore

  • Highest calibre and the best facilities
  • Various aids and strategies towards a better result
  • Packages with guarantees for surrogacy prices in Bangalore
  • renowned reproductive specialists and physicians
  • highest success percentage in surrogacy in Bangalore
  • Highly successful outcomes than any other method
  • Contact us:
  • Call us: 91-989-929-3903

Once the intended parents have selected the surrogate mother for their surrogacy treatment, they sign a legally binding agreement or contract where both the parties give their consent with regards to their role in the treatment. The involved parties cannot abstain from performing their role; the surrogate cannot deny giving up the child upon the delivery and the intended parents cannot refuse to acquire the custody of the child. Therefore, surrogacy is a transparent process in Bangalore and we offer the best-quality surrogacy treatment within a reasonable price range in Bangalore.

Types of Surrogacy in Bangalore

There are two main types of surrogacy arrangements in Bangalore, namely gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy. Out of these two surrogacy arrangements, gestational surrogacy is a preferred arrangement for Surrogacy in Bangalore treatment as it offers the advantage of having a genetically related child. It is a more widely performed surrogacy treatment in Bangalore.

Let us understand both the surrogacy arrangements in Bangalore.

  • Traditional Surrogacy: Traditional surrogacy is a conventional surrogacy arrangement in which the doctor injects the father’s sperms inside the uterus of the surrogate mother and she gets pregnant using her own eggs. It is a less commonly performed surrogacy treatment as the baby does not get biologically related to the intended mother; however, the baby shares genetic ties with the father provided his sperms are used in the treatment process.
  • Gestational Surrogacy: This kind of surrogacy arrangement is the most common and widely performed as it involves the application of IVF treatment where the eggs and the sperms are obtained from the intended parents for transferring the resulted embryo into the uterus of the surrogate mother. The treatment is the best option for couples who wish to have a genetically related child.

During the process, the eggs are collected from the intended mother and the sperms from the intended parents for combining them in a laboratory setting. The fusion leads to the formation of one or more embryos, which are kept in the lab for further development or until they reach the blastocyst stage. The formed embryos are implanted inside the surrogate’s womb and eventually, she gets pregnant and carries the pregnancy to term. In the end, the surrogate then hands over the baby to the intended parents after the delivery.

Go IVF Surrogacy- the best place for affordable Surrogacy in Bangalore

Go IVF Surrogacy is a notable medical tourism company in India providing the services of its fertility specialists in Bangalore and our experts have more than three decades of experience in providing the best-quality surrogacy treatment with effective results. Our fertility specialists and surrogacy doctors make sure that the patients get the best-treatment experience that assures success in their treatment. Our medical tourism company works in conjunction with the best fertility experts from over the world and offers our patient fertility treatment services at an affordable price.

We have the best infrastructure and our patients avail the best facilities within an economical price range. All the treatments that come under the surrogacy arrangement are performed under one roof and the patient does not have to go from one place to another for various treatments. In addition to the highest quality treatment, we offer the lowest price range for surrogacy arrangement and we make a customized treatment plan in accordance with the patient’s needs. Our fertility specialists utilize cutting-edge equipment while operating patients for different types of fertility treatments in Bangalore.

Our high success rates and superlative quality treatment for Surrogacy in Bangalore is the reason that compels international patients to choose Bangalore in order to get affordable prices for the treatment. Our team at the concerned network hospital offers immense care to the patients so that they do not face any major difficulty while undergoing the treatment and get positive results in their fertility treatment. Our success rates are higher when contrasted with the success rates of other fertility hospitals in Bangalore.

surrogacy in Bangalore
surrogacy in Bangalore

What services are offered by us for surrogacy in Bangalore?

  • Top coordination and sophisticated surveillance
  • Counsellors with experience for the best consultation
  • Assistances from selecting to achieve successful outcome
  • Egg or sperm donor facility for surrogate pregnancy
  • Different fertility procedures and treatments
  • Contact us:
  • Call us: 91-989-929-3903


Why choose surrogacy among other procedures?

Surrogacy is highly successful in any other method. Because, other assisted reproductive techniques only provide the pregnancy outcome. But, surrogacy has a high chance that providing a successful child in the hands. It has the best method that includes the surrogate mother and intended parents. As the surrogate mother conceives the intended parents’ child. Also, the entire procedure functions with the legal agreement and other legalities. So, you have a high chance to have a healthy child. Also, the baby has genetic relation with the intended parents. And the surrogate mother has no relation with the resulting child.

What is the surrogate mother’s cost?

The surrogate mother has the altruistic form and compensated form. In the altruistic form, the surrogate mother does not get any monetary benefit. Still, the surrogate mother cost is there. As the surrogate mother needs different accommodations and other necessary things. It includes her living, travelling, nutritional diet, special care, regular doctor visit, etc. These factors increase the surrogate mother cost. And your procedure can include medical insurance. As the intended parents need to provide for the surrogate mother. And the compensation method is maximum illegal in many countries. Or if legal, the intended parents provide the surrogate mother with a monetary benefit.

Is the baby having genetic relation with the intended parents?

Yes, the resulting child will share the genetic relation with the intended parents. Because, the process involves fertilizing the couple’s eggs and sperm. Then, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate mother’s uterus. And, the surrogate mother has no relation with the resulting child. Also, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) helps in the method for successful conception. It means the expert collects the intended parents’ eggs and sperm. Then, they fertilize the healthy gametes under observation. And for pregnancy, the fertilized eggs implant inside the surrogate womb.

Who can choose surrogacy?

Well, surrogacy is a need for couples facing severe conditions. As many health and fertility conditions can become extreme. It causes problems for the couple to conceive their child. Also, no other assisted reproductive technique helps in conceiving. So, surrogacy is the best option to have a healthy child in your hands. The following conditions need the surrogacy process:

  • The female partner does not have a healthy uterus.
  • You have faced multiple miscarriages and pregnancy failures.
  • The couple cannot conceive with other ART procedures.
  • The female partner has severe health conditions (related to the heart or liver)

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    You must have been told to stop trying to get pregnant if you are a woman in her late 30’s or 40’s. While it is a fact that a woman’s tendency to achieve pregnancy reduces as she ages owing to the diminishing quantity of eggs. However, there are still chances that you might achieve if you are serious enough to have a child and dedicated enough to follow and implement the instruction listed in this article.

    There are various reasons that compel a woman to post her pregnancy such as deciding to get married at a later age, relationship concerns, career concerns, postponing pregnancy because you were not ready to get pregnant at that time, etc. No matter the concern, there is always a possibility of the woman attaining conception if she takes all the necessary steps and follows a plan that includes incorporating healthy foods in her diet and avoiding certain foods that might be preventing her from attaining pregnancy.

    It is obvious that a woman over 35 or 40 has far fewer chances of attaining conception as compared to the woman in her 20’s because the young age women are more fertile with the availability of the substantial quantity of fertile eggs. There is also an option to use donor eggs if the woman does not have enough eggs to facilitate conception and pregnancy. She can also opt to undergo fertility treatments such as IUI, IVF if natural pregnancy seems unachievable.

    Go IVF Surrogacy is a well-known medical travel agency in India working in association with the best fertility specialists over three decades of expertise in providing effective procedures of different types of fertility treatments. Our medical experts have extensive knowledge and experience in the domain of fertility health and treatment and offer the best advice

    Below are the essential tips for increasing the likelihood of conception even at 40.

    Go for healthy meals

    The first and foremost thing is to watch what you eat. Your diet majorly impacts your reproductive and overall health and it is important to make some important changes into it if what are you eating right now is not what we call a nutritious diet. Recommended foods for boosting your fertility are Brussel sprouts, eggs, oysters, carrots, bananas, etc.

    Ensure a good preconception health

    Creating a good infertile environment inside your body is essential long before you plan to get pregnant. Making certain a good preconception health is a lot more important when you try to get pregnant at a critical age. It is also advisable to get your health evaluated by experienced faculty so that they can inform you about whether you will be able to conceive and provide necessary suggestions accordingly.

    Avoid intense physical activity

    Rigorous physical activities should be avoided as they can cause to your reproductive organs. However, it is recommended to exercises that do not physical intense physical exertion such as stretching, walking, yoga, etc. Complete resting can also lower the chances with which you attain conception.

    Analyzing your ovulation cycle

    Keeping a track of your ovulatory cycle can help in assessing the right time to have intercourse. Women over 40 have fewer chances of achieving conception (as low as 5%). Therefore, for the purpose of enhancing her chances of conception, it is important for her to pay attention to her ovulation cycle and various other indicators and accordingly, plan the time to get pregnant.

    Abstain from alcohol

    It is always good to avoid various addictions such as alcohol, smoking and it is especially advisable to stop the consumption of alcohol when you are trying to get pregnant as it badly affects your fertility and prevents you from conceiving successfully. It is also observed that the women who drink have fewer chances of conceiving as compared to the women who cannot.

    Maintain a good body weight

    Overweight women experience difficulty getting pregnant as compared to women who have a healthy weight. Underweight is also not a favorable condition to be in as the underweight woman is not healthy enough to carry the pregnancy. Therefore, maintaining a good weight is essential for getting pregnant carrying a healthy pregnancy to term.

    Keep your stress levels down

    When thinking of getting pregnant maintain your mental health is equally important as maintaining your physical well-being. It is normal to be worried as to whether you will be able to get pregnant and being concerned about the baby, but stressing too much can really affect your fertility health and the chances with which you attain pregnantly.












    Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

    No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

    About Go IVF Surrogacy:

    With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.


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