


ICSI came into existence in 1992; the first baby via this procedure was born in Belgium. ICSI is one of the techniques in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and can be considered as the extent of the IVF process. ICSI is the procedure where a single sperm is directly injected into the cytoplasm of each egg. ICSI is usually tagged along with IVF treatment. ICSI is the beneficial procedure for those males, who face male infertility such as low sperm count, less mobility of the sperm, and unable to penetrate itself into the egg’s wall. In rare cases of male infertility, there are some men, who are found to be no sperm (or very few) in his ejaculation – during this case, SSR (Surgical Sperm Retrieval) is performed using ICSI method.

ICSI is the process, where the embryologist inserts a single sperm into each egg, which has been retrieved at the time of egg collection; once the embryologist inseminates the sperm into the egg, he or she then leaves the petri dish for few days in the lab. The experts keep noticing the fertilized egg and plan whether the embryo is ready to transfer into the woman’s uterus or not.

ICSI treatment cuts-down the time of fertilization compared to the conventional IVF method. ICSI is the second most advanced fertility treatment, with IVF being the first.

Fertilization in ICSI technique – 

Fertilization in IVF treatment can be achieved in two ways –

  1. Traditional method
  2. ICSI technique

A couple, if undergoing standard or traditional IVF, fertilization occurs naturally, where the most motile and active sperm gets penetrated the egg’s wall and goes into the cytoplasm. Here, more than 50,000 sperms are placed next to the eggs for natural fertilization. On the other hand, ICSI requires a unique technique at the time of insemination. During this procedure, a glass needle (called micropipette), is used by the specialist to inject the sperm directly into the egg’s cytoplasm. This process is accomplished by providing stimulatory drugs to the woman. Once the eggs are enough matured, eggs are taken out from the woman’s ovaries and kept in the petri dish. Later on, the step of fertilization is performed, and single sperm is injected into each of the eggs, which has been collected.

There is not such any requirement of the sperms to naturally penetrate with the egg’s wall and reaching the cytoplasm in the case of ICSI. Hence, there is the lessening time in the procedure of ICSI comparative to conventional IVF. ICSI is one of the advanced methods of IVF, but it never gives the assurance of the fertilization being successful. Undeniably, ICSI has a bit increased success rate comparing to IVF but not comes with a guarantee.

ICSI Definition –

ICSI is the acronym of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, which is one of the productive methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART). This technique is used in the case of male infertility. Also, when the male is found to be azoospermic (absent of sperms), sperms are collected using a surgical way, and then via the ICSI method, a single sperm is directly injected into the egg.

With this advancement of the technique, a single sperm is introduced into the egg, which has been obtained during IVF.  Once the sperm gets fused into the egg, later is the formation of Embryo. Experts wait for few days for embryo transfer. Pregnancy is initiated once the embryo gets implanted into the uterus. ICSI gives a high success rate than IVF treatment.

Is there any difference between IVF and ICSI?

There is no such significant difference between IVF and ICSI because each of the procedures is the same, apart from the cost and the system of fertilization. During the conventional IVF, the eggs are just kept with the sperm in the petri dish letting the natural fertilization happen. On the other hand, ICSI takes a speedy step of fertilization. The embryologist inserts a single sperm directly into the egg and insemination takes place. Apart from this step, the rest of the procedure is similar to the IVF. A couple chooses ICSI treatment if the male’s sperm has some abnormality.

Steps involving during ICSI technique –

As described above, the method, which is used during ICSI, is known as Micromanipulation. In this technique, the embryologists of Go IVF Surrogacy under the inverted microscope are used to choose and pick the sperm, which is motile and normal. The sperms are selected in a special needle.

Once the experts obtain the sperm, the next process is injecting this sperm one by one into the inner part of the egg. The needle is carefully removed after inserting the sperm into the egg’s cytoplasm. Now, these eggs are inspected under the guidance of the fertility team and analyze on which day, the embryo should be transferred into the woman’s uterus. This is all about the process of ICSI.

At The End –

Since a single sperm is inserted into the egg, ICSI is one of the highly-targeted methods of IVF treatment, providing a good success rate. ICSI technique won’t be an active process, if the female is supposed to be infertile, i.e., if the female comes up with the poor quality of the eggs. If the male’s sperm could not be treated with ICSI, then some other advanced forms of ICSI can be used such as PICSI, IMSI.

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    Infertility is when a couple is unable to bear pregnancy due to various reasons and there are a plethora of reasons that contribute to such inefficiency. Amongst various reasons imbalanced FSH levels adversely impact the fertility in a woman as they play a major role in determining if you would be able to get pregnant or not. Fluctuation in FSH levels indicates the number and quality of eggs in your ovaries. For a healthy pregnancy to occur, it is crucial for a woman to have the best quality and adequate quantity of eggs, which is determined by her FSH levels. However, it is not essential that the FSH level is the only factor that helps in assessing whether you could conceive and a woman may be able to conceive if she does not have balanced FSH levels.

    Go IVF Surrogacy is a prominent medical tourism company in India that works in collaboration with highly proficient fertility specialists with over 30 years of experience in providing the finest quality fertility treatment. They effectively work to diagnose the root cause of infertility and advise the most suitable course of treatment in accordance with the condition of the patient. Our team at the concerned network hospital provides comprehensive assistance to the patients for ensuring that they receive success in the fertility treatment.

    What is FSH?

    FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone released by the pituitary gland responsible for controlling the functions of ovaries and testes. Inefficient functioning of these hormones can cause serious reproductive issues when it comes to pregnancy and fertility. It is one of the two gonadotrophic hormones, another is a luteinising hormone, and both the hormones are produced and released by the pituitary gland, which is situated below your brain. FSH is crucial for reproductive development and effective functions of the woman’s ovaries.

    The FSH aid in regulating the menstrual cycle of a woman and the speed and efficiency with which ovaries produce eggs. There is fluctuation in the FSH levels while a woman is on her periods and reaches its peak when a woman ovulates. On the other hand, FSH helps in managing healthy sperm production, however, imbalanced FSH levels is rarely an issue that men deal with. Balanced FSH levels imply a healthy and perfect functioning of male and female sex hormones.

    FSH and Infertility

    The uneven FSH levels negatively impact a woman’s fertility as it diminishes her ovarian reserve. High levels of FSH mean that there is a problem in the development and maturity of eggs. Diminished ovarian reserve is the term for mild to moderate FSH levels and indicates that a woman’s ovaries make less than required eggs for pregnancy. One of the symptoms of increased FSH levels is the short duration of a menstruation cycle.

    FSH levels are a great indicator of the possibility of achieving success with infertility treatments such as IUI or IVF. Apart from impacting natural pregnancy, high FSH levels also indicate that fertility treatment may not produce desired results as the fertility medication may not be effective or undergoing the IVF or other fertility treatment may result in failure. The number of eggs in your ovaries is mutually related to your FSH levels during the second and third day of your menstrual cycle. A high FSH level implies less quantity of available eggs.

    FSH level test is done on usually the second or third day of your menstrual cycle, where blood is obtained from your vein through injection. The test helps in accurately assessing your reproductive and ovarian health but however, an FSH test is not helpful when it comes to finding the exact cause of infertility.

    What different levels of FSH indicate?

    If it has been more than a month since a woman’s menstrual cycle has occurred, then the probable reason behind high FSH levels is menopause, where a woman’s menstrual cycle permanently ceases to exist. The ovarian failure makes it impossible for a woman to get pregnant via natural means. Females having high FSH levels may not benefit from the fertility medication as well because it may not help in stimulating a healthy egg production due to high FSH levels. However, there will be some fertile eggs but a fertility treatment may not bear the expected results as a large number of quality eggs are required for ensuring great results in IVF or other types of fertility treatment.

    Low FSH levels are usually due to issues in the effective functioning of the pituitary gland, which is a critical part of the brain performing the important role of managing the functioning of your reproductive system. Whereas a normal FSH level indicates the better chance of a woman achieving pregnancy and have a reproductive system highly responsive to fertility medication and fertility drugs.

    At Go IVF Surrogacy, our fertility specialists efficiently diagnose the patient’s condition in order to suggest the best suitable fertility treatment. They make sure that you get desired outcomes in your fertility treatment and receive a great treatment experience at the concerned hospital provided by our medical tourism company.

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      To know whether a male or female facing fertility issues, the specialist will go over some sexual history, health history, any past medical problem, how often the couple involves sexual intercourse and some other relevant information.

      A male has to undergo a physical evaluation test and if recommended then the male has to go for a semen analysis test too- these tests clarify the specialist to know the root cause behind his infertility (if there is any). Semen analysis test is a test performed to know if there are any issues in a male’s fertility system. If the sperm is found non-motile, inactive or very less in the count then the specialists will further look for the treatment suitable for his case. We are going to discuss the most preferred fertility treatment options for males (females also) as this page goes down.

      Talking about the female fertility diagnostic tests, the specialist starts questioning about female’s any past medical history if any surgery she has been undergone; a physical exam and a pelvic exam is carried out. The specialist makes sure that the female is ovulating properly and releasing the eggs from her ovaries without any barrier. Specialists also take blood tests to evaluate hormonal levels. If necessary, female’s uterus and fallopian tubes are examined by specific X-ray tests and ultrasound.

      Approximate 70-80% of females have a common issue behind their infertility with their ovulation issue or have blocked fallopian tubes. Males have sperm issues (such as inactive, less motile, low count of sperm or morphologically unfit sperm). In 5-15% of infertility cases, the cause is unknown or idiopathic.

      Women facing ovulation issues can be solved by fertility medication but if a woman faces severe infertility issues such as painful menstrual cycle, irregular ovulation (or menstruation for the past few months), then she needs to undergo advanced fertility treatment options to have own baby. The same goes for males if a male experiences mild male factor infertility, then by the help of IUI treatment he can impregnate his partner.

      What are your Fertility Treatment Options- Let’s have a look 

      Thanks to the advanced medical technology, this has opened many gates for the childless couples to get their baby by different fertility treatment options. Several Fertility Treatment Options are available to eradicate the couple’s infertility issue such as –

      • Fertility medications and drugs associated with ovary stimulation
      • High-tech ART technique (Assistive Reproductive Technology)
      • IVF or Test Tube Baby Treatment
      • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
      • Surgery (if required)

      Some other Fertility Treatment Options include the following –

      • One of the advanced Fertility Treatment Option is the Egg Donation Method – This is the procedure, where a fertile and healthy woman donates her eggs to help another infertile female to build her family. The woman who donates her eggs could be a known or unknown egg donor. This is the best treatment option available for those couples, wherein the female partner is unable to supply the fine quality of the eggs.
      • Gestational Surrogacy – This fertility treatment option is best for those couples, who are unfit to carry the pregnancy or have experienced multiple IVF failures; this procedure is best suitable for those females, whose uterus have some abnormalities or maybe the female has undergone the surgery of hysterectomy (the uterus is removed).
      • Adoption method – an option to have a kid (not biologically related) from the third party.

      Some Best Fertility Treatment Options – 

      I hope you have read the above methods of getting pregnant, along with the above infertility treatments, there are numbers of fertility treatments that are discussed below. These fertility treatment options are the best and preferred in almost all the infertility cases of males and females based on their reports.

      It is always not important that a couple has to go for fertility treatment to have their child; rather there are some natural ways too such as weight loss, eating a proper diet, stick on healthy routine (that includes daily exercise, yoga). Yoga is the best way to transform yourself into the happiest way because there are some couples, who at initial phase get frustrated and anxious about not being pregnant, by dong yoga a person feels relax and calm at mind this is why yoga and breathing technique can give in a positive result for your pregnancy.

      Those dealing with depression stress of infertility and restlessness can choose fertility treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and counseling.

      Even if you are undergoing any advance fertility treatment then yoga helps you to relax and feel better all through the way of treatment. Go IVF Surrogacy is the leading centre that provides a familiar touch along with the best fertility treatment option. This centre is enriched with world-class fertility veterans, who have a high success rate giving maximum live births via IVF treatment.

      1. Medications –

      Usually, more than 70% of females face ovulation issues; this disorder can be resolved giving fertility medications to the female. Your doctor can suggest you the way how to go for this treatment.

      2. Artificial Insemination – 

      This is one of the basic male infertility treatments, where washed sperms are directly placed into the uterus of the female (at the time of her ovulation). This treatment option with or without be done using ovulation medication because if the female is ovulating regularly then an ovulation detector can be used to find the exact date of the female ovulation phase.

      3. IVF – 

      As stated above too, IVF is one of the most productive and advanced fertility treatment options available to resolve infertility issues. IVF is also performed using different techniques such as donor egg, donor sperm, and donor embryo (as per the case of infertility in a couple).

      1. ICSI – 

      ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection involves is followed by IVF treatment but during the procedure of fertilization during ICSI, a single (motile and active) sperm is inserted into each egg (that has been picked up from the female’s ovaries). ICSI is a male infertility treatment and shows a high success rate too.

      1. Fertility Preservation Option – 

      Yes, now a couple can preserve their fertility for later, how? They can simply freeze the eggs by choosing an authentic fertility centre you can undergo this procedure.

      1. Egg Donation – 

      Women who are unqualified to supply with healthy eggs during the egg retrieval procedure of her IVF treatment, donation egg is the best option to go for. During egg donation, an egg donor undergoes all the medications until the completion of her egg pick-up process.

      1. Surrogacy – 

      Surrogacy is the best option in the ART technique and is used by those couples, wherein the female partners are unable to carry the baby in the womb due to any uterine issue (or removal of the surgery- Hysterectomy).


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        If you get your pregnancy test positive, the next question in your mind is that when I conceive a baby. It is very difficult to tell the exact day or date when you get pregnant. Even if you had intercourse one time during your cycle and became pregnant, it is possible that the day when you had intercourse was not the same day you conceived. That is the reason that men sperm can survive inside your vagina for up to five days after you had intercourse and it will wait for an egg to become available during ovulation.

        How to Calculate the Conception Date?

        It is impossible to calculate the exact conception date, but it is possible for your fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy to calculate a nearby time in which you would likely to be conceived. If you are thinking that when you conceived than the best clues are to use the last date of your periods.

        Generally, most of the fertility experts calculate the pregnancy date based on your last menstrual period. If you have a regular cycle which means you get your periods around 28 days then you can estimate that your ovulation will take place around day 14 of your cycle.

        So, now you can easily figure out that when you conceived and how far along you are, you just need to think back to your last period and add 14 days from your first day of menstruation. In this way, you can use this data to estimate that when you may have conceived and also you can count from there how far along you may be. For example, if your fertility expert says that you are 8 weeks pregnant then based on your last period, you can count 14 days from the first day of your last period and can use this date as your conception date.

        Knowing this, many couples start thinking that conception dates are accurate. It is difficult to say, as it has been noticed that the fertility expert will give you the pregnancy date based on your last period even though you would not have been pregnant that day. This is the reason that it becomes because to pinpoint the exact conception dates. Many women know the conception window and they use this information when making pregnancy and medical decisions because they are the ones who can be rather accurate considering ovulation that will occur in a shorter period.

        However, the women who are dealing with abnormal cycles or fertility issues such as PCOS or endometriosis for them it is difficult to pinpoint the conception dates.

        When Does Conception Take Place?

        The exact moment when the conception will take place is not clear, but it begins when a sperm burrows into the women’s egg within 24 hours after ovulation. Some study says conception will take place when men sperm meets women egg, and the other says it will take place when the combination of sperm and egg implant into the women uterus.

        What are the Symptoms during Ovulation?

        The following are the symptoms that occur at the time of ovulation and these are:

        a) Cervical fluid changes: This is a symptom of ovulation in which your cervical mucus will be clear and stretchy just like egg white.

        b) Change in cervix texture and position: The study says that during ovulation the cervix is open and this is a time when it becomes softer and it’s positioned goes up to a higher level.

        c) Mild bloating: It has been found that there is a rise in estrogen levels before ovulation and this will trigger the release of LH (luteinizing hormone). This surge in hormones is a cause of water retention and it leads to feelings of bloat.

        d) Mild cramping: Some women feel a twinge on one side of their lower abdomen and this will only last for a few hours.

        e) Changes in basal body temperature: It has been found that after the women ovulate, there will be a rise in temperature has seen. In this case, women need to track their basal body temperature over several months to predict when ovulation occurs.

        f) Light spotting: This is a symptom of ovulation which rarely occurs, but some women may experience light spotting when they wipe. In such cases, the bleeding should not be heavy, red, or last more than a few hours.

        How to Track the Menstrual Cycle?

        According to the study, the menstrual cycle will last from 26 to 35 days. This is a time when few things occur and these are:

        • Days 1 to 7: You will have a period and this is a time when your uterine lining is shed if there is no pregnancy found.
        • Days 10 to 14: This is the time when you are fertile or you ovulate when an egg is released from your ovaries. This is a time when the chances of conceiving are high.
        • Days 15 to 35: This is a stage; if you get pregnant them implantation will take place. This stage is also known as the luteal phase.

        This is an average cycle for many women and for those women who have irregular monthly cycles, for them, it is difficult to calculate the ovulation period and there is no real way of calculating that when ovulation will take place for them without some type of hormone testing, which can be done with an over-the-counter ovulation predictor kit or blood test.

        How to Calculate Due Date?

        On average, a baby born 40 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. This is the way your fertility expert will calculate the gestational age. This will include the two weeks before conception when a woman is not pregnant and it is usually based on a 28 days cycle, and these days need to be adjusted for longer or shorter cycles. But, even with adjustments, it has been found that less than 30% of women deliver the baby on their calculated due dates, so it is normal if women give birth two weeks before or after the estimated due date.

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          What makes a PERFECT family? True, it’s Bonding- that makes a family an ideal one. Bonding doesn’t mean that the members are connected only in the jovial phase rather a family is said to be idyllic when each member is coupled with one another in all ups and downs. Family plays a vital role throughout an individual’s life. Coming to the main point, we are discussing here, the most preferred ART technique- about IVF treatment and how family and the partner should decide on IVF treatment.

          If you are outlining yourself to prepare for IVF treatment then this content would be advantageous to you. Apart from it, we are here to solve your fertility issue with the help of suitable fertility treatment. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the ongoing fertility centers that endeavor 100% effort to achieve positive pregnancy tests, keeping Mother always safe.

          IVF is not at all an easy-going procedure, throughout the entire process, a female has to undergo with several steps, beginning from initial consultation, fertility medication, follicular aspiration process, few ultrasounds, blood work, embryo transfer and so on. So, a couple, especially a woman has to learn the way to handle frustration, time lag during IVF treatment, shock, grief, and discomfort; apart from it, she also needs to know how to carry self-confidence and positivity all through the way of IVF treatment.

          The question comes here who can provide you- confidence, hopefulness, and optimism before, during or after the treatment? It’s Family. Family plays an essential role in how to cope with the situation, hurdles, stress and other worries. Let’s get to know how your family and your partner contribute to the success rate during IVF treatment of yours.

          You need to make sure you have a healthy equation with your Partner –

          Completely True! Studies have depicted the one who suffers in their relationship might suffer in their treatment too. The conversation is the key to unlock any trouble, so take out your time and have a nice discussion with your partner. During IVF, the female is majorly involved in all the steps, because of this some men just leave the hands of their partner; it should not be like this. Since the baby born after IVF will not only be associated with Mother but father too, therefore you both have to work as a team.

          If you both understand each other, neither the relationship suffers nor you will get into unnecessary arguments during the medication. Try to understand the emotional bond and support, which is indispensable throughout IVF treatment. It is usually observed that the couples having infertility avoid talking or discussing any matter with their close ones, friends or relatives. Make sure to communicate with positive people because they not only guide you the best but also they can calm your anxiety and worries.

          However, a relationship is one of the biggest strengths during the couple’s IVF treatment. Each couple, who is settling on this treatment, should keep in their mind that nothing is more central than you and your partner’s relationship.

          One more important aspect is not to blame each other. Blaming sounds weird and does not make sense. Try to have a funny talk, crack a joke and go for movies. Staying contended is not that difficult as it sounds. Enjoy each moment even if it is not going according to you; make sure you both never ever leave each other’s hand.

          Some side-effects of medications and your family support –

          The above point was of you and your relationship with your partner and now here comes, how family support is important. Fertility medication during IVF treatment can have mood swings, anger issues, irritability, and discomfort. So, during the course of medication, a female has to calm down herself, avoid taking needless stress and tension. Hormonal injections and fertility drugs also lead to several psychological side effects.

          During the phase of the initial medication, a female has to consume the synthetic estrogen clomiphene citrate that facilitates egg maturity level and multiple eggs to be prepared. This fertility medication is one of the essential parts of IVF treatment. Though this drug enhances the possibility of fertilization, it causes female partner (patient) uneasiness, hence it is advised by the expert not to take any kind of stress and hassle regarding their result.

          Meanwhile, you have your family by your side- The principal of your life. Share each and every feeling with your family member, have a chit-chat with your close ones. Communicate as much as you want, surround with those people whose opinions and views are positive. You can also consult with a specialist about the side-effects of the fertility medication, in order to cope up with that situation. If you will know earlier about the side-effects, it will be easy to deal with the issues. Stay Positive and Stay Calm.

          Patience, Patience, and Patience- all you need –

          Yesss!!! This is another key point to have your IVF unruffled and relaxed. You really have to carry Patience all the way of your IVF journey. Keep patience everything will be fine! With the procedure of IVF treatment, several couples have been blessed with a baby (sometimes at the second attempt of IVF and sometimes the couple gets conceived on their third attempt). So, have patience and go onward, everything will be fine.

          You need to understand the significance of having patience. Sometimes, women face multiple miscarriages, they usually get mentally disturbed and this is the hardest phase, where they really want someone, who can hold their emotional level or need strong family support. Failed IVF treatment can also lead to unnecessary stress.

          The family has a miraculous touch, so it is important to exchange your thoughts, even if you are sorrow doesn’t matter, go and speak with your close ones. However, you should not lose hope even if your first attempt IVF fails; there are numerous ART treatments that can help you to attain pregnancy. All you need to do is to consult with the team of Go IVF Surrogacy and later procedure is in your court to decide which treatment you want to undergo.

          Conclusion –

          IVF is one of the best techniques to have your own baby, but the outcome of IVF varies from patient to patient. Touchwood, advanced medical technology has been a boon for us as there is not a single treatment to attain pregnancy by artificial method; rather there are multiple treatments in ART that can help the couple to arrive at the stage of their parenthood. Go IVF Surrogacy performs unsurpassed IVF treatment with a high success rate to the couple. So, what you are waiting for? It’s the right time to fish around for the experienced and best IVF centre for your treatment to have victory in your treatment.

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            The following are some common treatments to treat the men low sperm count and these are:

            a) Surgery: Your fertility expert will perform surgery through which he/she will correct a varicocele or an obstructed vas deferens can be repaired. The prior vasectomies can also be reversed. In cases, the sperms are not available in men’s ejaculate that can be retrieved directly from the testicles or epididymis using sperm retrieval techniques.

            b) Treatments for intercourse issues: This can be treated by taking medication or counseling which can help in improving the fertility in conditions such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

            c) Hormone treatments and medications: Your fertility expert at Go IVF Surrogacy will recommend hormone replacement or medication treatment and this will be recommended when the infertility is caused by high or low levels of certain hormones with the way the body uses hormones.

            d) Treating infections: Your fertility expert will recommend some antibiotics which can cure an infection of the reproductive tract, but this treatment does not always restore fertility.

            e) Assisted reproductive technology (ART): ART is a procedure in which your fertility experts will obtain sperm through normal ejaculation, surgical extraction or from donor individuals, and this will depend on your specific situation. The sperm is then inserted into the women uterus, or that will be used for IVF or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

            What are the symptoms of low sperm count?

            The main symptom of low sperm count is the inability to conceive a child. There are cases where are some underlying problem such as an inherited hormonal imbalance, dilated testicular veins or a condition which blocks the sperm passage which may cause signs and symptoms. The following are the low sperm count symptoms:

            • Male member dealing with the problems of sexual function, for example, he may face difficulty while maintaining an erection or low sex drive.
            • Male member dealing with pain, swelling or a lump in his testicle area.
            • There is a decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosome or hormone abnormality.

            What are the reasons for low sperm count?

            The following can be the reasons for low sperm count and these are:

            a) Medical Problems: A condition which is known as varicocele that causes swelling of the veins that drain the testicles and is the most common and reversible cause of low sperm count. There are certain infections which can interfere with sperm production. Medications which can cause ejaculatory problems, cancers, and tumors, etc. are all other medical reasons for oligospermia which results in low sperm count.

            b) Environmental factors: An environmental factor includes the exposure to industrial chemicals and radiation and overheating of the testicles. The production of sperm mainly depends on the temperature of the testicles. The scrotum regulates the temperature of the testes. However, if there is an extreme heat situation, the natural cooling of scrotums could be insufficient to prevent the rise in testicular temperature. It has been found that the increase in temperature affects both the quality and quantity of the production of the sperm.

            c) Lifestyle and health issues: The excessive use of drugs, consumption of alcohol and smoking, unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight clothes, excess body weight, emotional stress, etc. are factors which affect the quality of the sperm production.

            How to prevent low sperm count?

            To prevent the low sperm count you need to avoid some factors which are affecting the sperm count and these are as follows:

            • Avoid smoking
            • Try to limit the consumption of alcohol.
            • Before taking any medicine to speak to your fertility expert whether the medication is affecting the quality and quantity of your sperm production.
            • Maintain ideal body weight according to your body mass index (BMI).
            • Avoid heat
            • Avoid pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins.
            • Avoid stress

            What tests your fertility experts recommend to identify the low sperm count?

            The following are some common tests which your fertility expert will recommend so that they can identify the low sperm count and these are:

            a) Scrotal ultrasound: The fertility expert will conduct this test so that with the help of high-frequency sound waves they are able to look at the testicles and supporting structures.

            b) Hormonal testing: Your fertility expert will recommend a blood test which helps in determining the level of hormones produced by the pituitary gland and testicles and this play a key role in sexual development and sperm production.

            c) Testicular biopsy: Your fertility expert will perform this test in which he/she will remove the samples from the testicle with a needle. After the testicular biopsy, your fertility expert is able to confirm whether the sperm production is normal. If it is then your problem is likely caused by a blockage or another problem with sperm transport. However, this test is not commonly used to diagnose the cause of infertility.

            d) Genetic tests: When the concentration of the sperm is extremely low the reason could be a genetic disorder. Your fertility expert will recommend a blood test which can reveal whether there are subtle changes in the Y chromosome which is a sign of a genetic abnormality. Genetic testing is also recommended to diagnose various congenital or inherited syndromes.

            e) Post-ejaculation urinalysis: This test is conducted to indicate that sperm in your urine is traveling backward into the bladder instead of out your penis during ejaculation.

            f) Transrectal ultrasound: During Transrectal ultrasound your fertility expert will insert a small lubricated wand into your rectum to check your prostate and check for blockages of the tubes which carry semen.

            g) Anti-sperm antibody tests: These tests are conducted to check for immune cells which attack sperm and affect their ability to function properly.

            h) Test for sperm function: Your fertility expert will perform the number of tests to check how well your sperm survive after ejaculation, are they able to penetrate an egg and whether there’s any problem while attaching to the women egg. These are the tests which are rarely performed and do not have any significant change treatment recommendations.

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              Finding a suitable expert under any circumstances is a daunting and challenging task. Patients, who are holding a torch to seek best infertility specialist, will have to undergo with some complications on the way of searching fertility veterans for their infertility treatment. Sometimes, even the internet provides contradictory information that creates more complexity in choosing the right infertility clinic or doctor.

              The reproductive endocrinologist is responsible for medical testing, guiding the patient for appropriate treatment. A reproductive endocrinologist is specialized in several fields such as PCOS, endometriosis issue, male factor infertility, female factor infertility, IVF, fertility preservation, uterine abnormalities, etc. In a clear view, searching for the right specialist for infertility treatment can be really a challenging job.

              Numerous individuals rely on their primary OB/Gyn, with whom they have been connected since long and have complete faith in them. But for those couples, who are unaware and confused to find the best infertility specialist and the best fertility clinic, have to fish around for the infertility clinic to undergo specific treatment.

              What is the procedure to choose Infertility Doctor?

              • A Patient has to notice the hospitality of the clinic’s staff such as the courtesy and the behavior of the clinic’s staff or coordinators.
              • A patient need not hesitate to ask questions like the experience of doctors and the team of fertility and their education (it is your right as well to ask all these questions), since how many years, the doctors has been serving for infertility cases etc and most important what is the success rate of the doctor or how many cases of infertility he or she has been accomplished successfully.
              • Notice the way doctor listen to your case because there are several doctors who are least interested in hearing the exact problem faced by the patient.
              • You can ask or gather some information from the clinic’s previous patients about the treatment and the medication care provided by them.
              • Patience and calmness

              How to single out Infertility Clinic for your infertility case?

              Opting right clinic and choosing the right doctor is directly associated with each other. A fertility centre is best known for its treatment and treatment is served by the fertility experts, so if XYZ fertility centre is famous for its name then obviously the doctors and the staff of fertility centre must have sound experienced and well success rate.

              • When it is the time to choose an Infertility clinic, go through with all the basic information about that clinic.
              • Make sure the clinic comes up with a decent success rate (note- any of the fertility centre if giving you 100% success rate for IVF or other fertility treatments then the clinic is giving you a false commitment, as for infertility treatments, 100% success rate can never be possible).
              • A patient can ask as much as questions before settling on a particular clinic, like –
                • Since how many years, the clinic has been running?
                • Which procedures you do in resolving infertility case (make sure the clinic offers a wide range of infertility treatments and also furnished with the latest or advance fertility methodology)
                • What does the treatment cost?
                • The success rate of the Infertility clinic
                • Success live births (instead of knowing the pregnancy rate, one must ask about the live birth counts)
              • Board certification of the infertility clinic

              Best way to find an Infertility Doctor or Clinic 

              Create a list of top 5 or top 10 best IVF clinics, once you are done, pay a visit to each clinic. Agree, it is a difficult task to carry forward by anyone but it is the question of your infertility then why take any kind of risk. Meeting with each clinic’s counselor or coordinator helps you to narrow down your own list and short-list some perfect centre, where you get all the above-mentioned points fulfilled and go for the right centre that makes you comfort and ease.

              Go IVF Surrogacy is the leading Infertility Centre that provides unbeatable Infertility treatments with the highest success rate (62-65%), in addition to it  Go IVF Surrogacy puts forward reasonable and affordable fertility treatments too. With all the advanced technologies and latest equipment, it is ranked in the top 10 Infertility centres, which serves best infertility treatment across the world.

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                According to the study, it has been shown that your diet from fat to beverages will increase your ovulation and also improve the chances of getting pregnant. This diet seeks to build on that wisdom to help women get pregnant faster. It has been found that women who consumed a good amount of fats, whole grains and plant protein improved their egg supply, on the other side women who ate unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates, and red meat may make fewer eggs, thereby increasing the risk for ovulatory infertility. The fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy suggest the women consume full-fat dairy products as they are good for fertility as compared with skim milk and sugary sodas.

                How does fertility diet work for women planning to get pregnant?

                The fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy say that it is not always possible for women to get pregnant by following the fertility diet only. However, the reason behind taking the healthy diet is that it may boost fertility for women with conditions such as ovulation disorders, fibroids or uterine polyps, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, damaged or blocked fallopian tubes and immune system disorders. For male members healthy diet improve the conditions such as low sperm count, twisted spermatic cords, sperm defects and immune disorders which can be the reason for male infertility.

                What is the fertility diet recommendation?

                The fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy recommend the following diet to be followed by women who are planning to conceive a baby and these are:

                • Avoid Tran’s fats: These are artery-clogging fats and will threaten your fertility as well as harm the heart and blood vessels. So, avoid them when you are planning to get pregnant.
                • Consumption of unsaturated vegetable oils: Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats will help in improving your body’s sensitivity to insulin and cool inflammation and they are good for fertility. You can add in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and cold water fish, etc. The fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy will suggest you avoid saturated fats as it harms your fertility.
                • Consumption of vegetable protein: You can replace your meat meal every day with soybeans, beans, peas, tofu, or nuts as this can improve your fertility.
                • Choose slow carbs: You choose slowly digested carbohydrates which are rich in fiber, such as whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans which will improve your fertility by controlling blood sugar and insulin levels.
                • Consume whole milk: Your fertility expert will suggest you take whole milk when you are planning to get pregnant instead of skim milk as it promotes infertility. You can also have ice cream or full-fat yogurt every day.
                • Take a multi-vitamin: If you take extra folic acid around 400 micrograms a day before you get pregnant will help in your pregnancy and your baby will also get the proper diet.
                • Intake of iron from plants: Intake of extra iron from plants which includes whole-grain cereals, beans, spinach, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes, etc. will help in promoting your fertility.
                • Consumption of beverages: The best beverage is water that keeps your body hydrated. Coffee and tea are okay in moderation. But try to avoid sugared sodas as they appear to promote ovulatory infertility.
                • Body weight: Your too much or too little body weight will interrupt your normal menstrual cycles which throw off ovulation or stop it altogether. The fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy suggest the women maintain her ideal body weight according to her body mass index (BMI) to have a healthy pregnancy. It is fine to move your BMI in that direction by gaining or losing some weight.
                • Exercise: If you are above your fertility zone for weight then it is good for you to do some light physical activity which will help in improving your fertility. But don’t overdo it as too much exercise can also interfere with ovulation.

                What are the benefits of eating a natural fertility diet?

                The following are the benefits of eating natural fertility diet and these are:

                • A natural and healthy fertility diet will provide you with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals this will help in protecting your egg and your partner’s sperm from the damage caused by free radicals.
                • It will help your body in maintaining hormonal balance by providing the required fats for hormone production and function.
                • It will provide your body with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients which is required for optimal health.
                • It will also decrease your chances of a miscarriage which can be occurred due to insulin resistance and can damage free-radicals to the eggs, sperm, and DNA.
                • It will help to build important nutrient which is required for pregnancy.
                • A natural fertility diet will also support your healthy reproductive system.
                • It will increase your energy and vitality.

                Do men also need to follow the fertility diet?

                Yes, the male members also need to follow the fertility diet so that women are able to conceive a baby. Men also need to quit smoking, alcohol and other drugs when trying to conceive a baby as this will affect the men’s fertility.

                The fertility experts at Go IVF Surrogacy suggest male members take vitamins and nutrients that help with the production of healthy sperm such as zinc, folic acid, selenium, L-Carnitine and vitamins C and E, etc. has shown the help in the production of sperm. These vitamins and nutrients can be found in a healthy and balanced diet; however, the intake of extra nutrients or vitamins will help in improving the count of sperm, motility, and morphology. The fertility expert suggests a male member take Fertile Aid which is a clinically proven supplement for men and this is designed to increase the total number of motile sperm a man produces.

                The fertility expert at Go IVF Surrogacy says that both men and women must work to achieve a healthy lifestyle, and eat a balanced diet to achieve the successful results of pregnancy. Also, they both need to maintain a healthy weight which helps in improving their fertility.

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                  The woman’s egg quality is strongly related to the age of a woman. Egg quality is quite synonymous with the “probability of embryo implantation”. Quality of eggs refers to the state of an egg as genetically normal or abnormal. So, yes, fertility and egg quality are directly connected; let’s go through deep in this topic.

                  How the Age Factor Responsible for a Woman’s Egg Quality?

                  As age increases, the DNA inside the female’s egg begins to degrade. Since we all know that females are born with a number of eggs, these eggs are exposed to all kinds of damaging such as infection, fever, stress, toxins, etc. these exposures sometimes lead to mistakes in the egg cell’s DNA, which is known as chromosomal abnormalities. And once the cell’s DNA starts to decline, it never fixes neither it can be healed.

                  Or we can say, once the eggs become abnormal, it cannot be improved into its normal condition. There are two types of egg quality – either normal (euploid) or abnormal (aneuploid).

                  Fertility changes with the age; for females, the starting of their reproductive time is marked by the onset of female’s menstruation cycle. This reproductive potential decreases as the age of women increases and are expected before 8 to 10 year of menopause, women lose their ability to reproduce.

                  The relationship between the age of women and the egg quality is clear because whenever we discuss woman’s egg quality, we are focusing our point about the expected percentage of the woman’s total number of eggs, which are normal. Women, in the age of their 20s, have almost all the eggs in healthy condition and once, she reached her 40s, no matter how the female is living her lifestyle, her eggs quality becomes decline.

                  The Relationship Between a Female’s Fertility and her Egg Quality –

                  In each month during the ovulation cycle, a woman releases a single egg, which is supposed to be grown, matured and then released. This cycle is regulated in each month and if the egg does not get fertilized with the sperm during the fertility phase, then the lining of the uterus sheds through the vagina, this is referred as menstruation cycle.

                  The egg, which each woman ovulates, may be normal or abnormal too. If the egg is in sound condition then the pregnancy will be healthy and when the egg is abnormal, then the female might suffer tough pregnancy, it can lead to miscarriage, genetic disorder, etc.

                  Mentioned earlier, as the age of the women goes high, the quality and the quantity gets decreased. What if the female’s quality of eggs becomes decline? Egg always plays a vital role in achieving a healthy pregnancy and if the eggs are not of fine quality, then the female has to face struggling time in her pregnancy. This is the reason, why all the fertility expert suggests the couple get conceived before the age of 35 because 25-35 is the best time to have your own baby without any hurdles.

                  The major difference in egg quality between 25-year-old and a 40-year-old woman is a matter of that one egg, which she ovulated being normal or not because women in their late thirty’s or late forty’s release abnormal eggs and that are why women in this group suffer from their conceiving issue. This is the main cause, why women (above the age of 35) have their fertility decline, suffers from infertility syndrome, miscarriage, and genetic disorder too.

                  Bottom line –

                  Since the age of the women is directly correlated with the egg quality, it’s the age of the egg that really matters when talking to fertility and pregnancy. If a woman is under the age of 35, most probably (if she is not having any issue in her fertility) she will have a smooth pregnancy and delivery.

                  Some women prefer to get pregnant at her higher age (above 35 or so), for them, there is the best option available in ART technique- egg freezing. True, Egg freezing technique works awesome for those couples, who have outlined their pregnancy later on. Egg freezing allows the women to keep safe their eggs at their young age, the eggs, which have been preserved in the fertility clinic, are used later on when the couple wants to get pregnant. Go IVF Surrogacy is the leading healthcare company that comes up with the most efficacious fertility treatments for the infertile couples or for those couples, who are planning to delay their pregnancy by choosing egg freezing option.

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                    What is Primary and Secondary Infertility Treatment?

                    Somehow, the reasons and the medications of primary and secondary infertility are approximately the same but the emotions and circumstances related to each infertility case are different. Let’s know what primary and secondary infertility is. Primary infertility case refers to those couples, who tried to become pregnant after twelve months of having intercourse without using any kind of birth control and thus wishing to have their first baby. While in secondary infertility issue, couples who already have been conceived or delivered a child in the past but now getting trouble to attain pregnancy referred to as a secondary infertile couple.

                    Primary and secondary infertility, both can be caused by the same factors, that includes –

                    • Due to the age of the couple
                    • Egg quality
                    • Sperm quality or its quantity
                    • Lifestyle factors (weight loss or overweight)
                    • Smoking habit, chewing tobacco, etc.
                    • Reproductive damage or reproductive abnormalities

                    Whatever the infertility case, a couple is facing with; it is important to remember that infertility now has become a public talk and several effective fertility treatments are there to cope with this situation, so be confident and seek the best fertility specialist to treat your infertility case. Go IVF Surrogacy puts forward the best fertility treatments and experienced doctors who have master hands on each fertility treatment. It provides all the basic to advance amenities to the patient.

                    Primary Infertility case –

                    In a simple word, Primary Infertility is a condition that creates hurdle in achieving pregnancy. Either this issue could be in man or in a woman or even both which can only be confirmed after testing both the partners. Once, the test is done, the treatment schedule is sketched of the couple.

                    Causes of primary infertility in female –

                    • Damaged fallopian tube
                    • Irregular ovulation/ovulation disorder
                    • Uterus abnormalities or issues
                    • Endometriosis
                    • Unexplained infertility case
                    • Lifestyle factor also affect female’s fertility

                    These are a few common causes of female infertility.

                    The basic causes of primary infertility in men are –

                    • Produces low sperm count
                    • Abnormally shaped sperm
                    • DNA fragmentation of the sperm
                    • Less motility and mobility of sperm
                    • Genetic cause
                    • Lifestyle factors

                    Secondary Infertility Case –

                    Secondary infertility is quite shocking for couples. This infertility case is different from primary infertility condition, because here the couple, who already have delivered a baby without any complication when tries for a second time to get pregnant suffer from infertility issue.

                    Reasons for secondary infertility are –

                    • Age of the couple
                    • Low quality of eggs
                    • Less motility of sperm or low sperm count
                    • Declined quality of sperm
                    • Stress and tension
                    • Frequent smoking etc.

                    Women, who experience with secondary infertility case often have their age crossed to give birth. Age of the female always plays a vital role in pregnancy. As the age of the female increases, the egg becomes low and so the number of the eggs also, so it is but obvious to face with secondary infertility condition.

                    Sometimes, despite the age of the female, she got captured in secondary infertility condition, the issue behind it may be of her fallopian tube, endometriosis, and pelvic infections and so on. Women also indulges in smoking, alcohol habit, this also affects female’s egg quality. These are some of the causes of secondary infertility in women.

                    The reason behind men secondary infertility issue is also related to age.  Sperm quality deteriorates as the age increases, it could be a medical or physiological reason as well that leads to secondary infertility.

                    In men, too with age, the sperm quality deteriorates but there are reasons – medical, physiological and psychological that can lead to secondary infertility. The most common causes of secondary infertility in men are –

                    • Infection
                    • Lifestyle issue
                    • Injury to the reproductive organs
                    • Environmental factors
                    • Blood disorders and health issues

                    Treatment for infertility issue –

                    The treatment all depends upon the testing and knowing the exact cause behind primary or secondary infertility of the couple. According to the couple’s infertility case, specific medication is applied. Usually, a medication that induces ovulation is given to the female.  The fertility specialist may also suggest for IUI procedure. If the couple is facing with an advanced level of primary or secondary infertility disorder, then IVF is the best option to go for.

                    If the cause of infertility is, something along with the issue of female’s uterus or fallopian tubes that cannot be treated with IVF or other ART technique then the option of surgery is a good idea to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

                    Women, who come up with poor egg quality, can choose donor egg IVF for IVF fertilization and men, who unleashes low sperm quality, can go for donor sperm IVF or they can simply opt AI (IUI) treatment if her partner has a decent quality of eggs. Several options in the ART technique are available, which not only enhance better fertilization but also a successful delivery. The couple just needs to fish around for the best and high rated fertility clinic for their infertility treatment.


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                      Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

                      No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

                      About Go IVF Surrogacy:

                      With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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