


Embryo Donation has become an important option to consider for fertility treatment, among many of the choices for those who are seeking for best fertility medication, settles on Embryo donation to have a healthy pregnancy. Embryo donation is a globally accepted method to say Good-Bye of couple’s infertility days. Embryo donation is much more reasonable and its success rate of pregnancy or live birth is also relatively higher than other fertility treatments in ART technique.

Chapter and Verse details of Embryo Donation –

Embryo donation is the procedure, where an infertile couple, who has already been undergone their IVF treatment, if produced extra embryo after the procedure of fertilization and if they consent to give that extra healthy embryo to any other infertile couple –this is how it goes the process of embryo donation.

Couples, generally thinks that for building a complete family by this method is similar to adopting the child at the earliest stage of life, hence this procedure is sometimes called embryo adoption.

We can say that embryo donation is a new way to attain the tag of parenthood; this latest fertility option has allowed the opportunity for those couples, who have struggled with their infertility obstacle to experiencing the golden days of pregnancy and the joy of giving birth.

Embryo Donation is also referred to as embryo adoption and is one of the most useful procedures to eliminate infertility issue. Infertility, on the other hand, could be of various types; right now, we are talking about that infertility problem, where both – male and the female in the couple can’t make the grade to unleash motile sperms and healthy eggs for IVF fertilization procedure.

Embryo donation is similar to sperm donation or egg donation process, where the child after birth is considered as the legal child of the couple; same in embryo donation happen.  Go IVF Surrogacy is the ongoing medical health tourism company that puts forward the best treatment and the success rate of any of the fertility treatment. Embryo donation is said to be best for those couples, who have crossed the age of forty’s and thus unable to come up with their healthy sperms and eggs.

One of the most effective fertility treatments to unlock the key of Infertility –

As mentioned above, Embryo Donation is the most preferred treatment to unlock the matter of infertility. This procedure comes as the boon for those couples, who are neither producing eggs nor sperms for successful fertilization and thus impotent to give birth by own.

Embryo Donation is a beneficial and fruitful technique to enjoy the days of parenthood. If talking about the success rate of Embryo Donation, then it is decent. The rate of the babies from embryo donation by Go IVF Surrogacy is 75-80% is considered using recent or frozen embryos. The success rate of embryo donation is relatively higher than other fertility treatments used for elucidating infertility cause. Here, the eggs are already fertilized with the sperms; hence, there is not any question of fertilization. Thus receiving healthy embryos without any risk, this procedure becomes successfully accomplished..

Other Fertility treatments –

There are numerous fertility treatments, which is said to be the most effective medications to undergo to put an end to infertility condition.

One of the widely accepted and successful fertility treatments is IVF – In Vitro Fertilization. IVF is the treatment, where eggs and sperms are collected from the partners and then it is combined with each other in the fertility lab. Any of the ART technique treatment is best done inside the fertility clinic only. One thing you all have to be aware of- your fertility expert. It is essential to choose the best fertility clinic for your fertility treatment.

ART is a medical term that consists of various advance fertility treatments to solve infertility. IVF amongst all the other treatments is globally performed to decipher infertility matter. IVF treatment is sometimes combined with other techniques, such as ICSI, IMSI, PICSI, Sperm surgical aspiration to get favorable outcome accordingly the case of infertility, the couple is facing from.

How often ART technique is successful?

Whether it is IVF or ICSI, age plays an essential role in the entire procedure of the treatment, given below are the factors that affect the success rate of the fertility treatments in ART –

  • Age of the couples
  • Eggs quality
  • Embryo quality
  • Sperms motility and shape of it
  • Fertility clinic and the expert’s experience

With the hands of a master and crackerjack fertility experts by Go IVF Surrogacy, it is specified that ART cycles, which led to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy delivery were as follow

  • 65-67% success rate under the age of 35 in women
  • Women who are in between the age of 35-37, have a 50% success rate
  • 35-40% in women aged 37-40
  • 20-30% in women aged 41-43

Bottom Line –

In short, Embryo donation is referred to as giving the remaining embryos, resulting from IVF procedure to that couple who is impotent to produce their own embryo. This extra embryo is transferred into the recipient woman’s uterus for a later procedure such as implantation and successful delivery. Hence, the infertile couple happily welcomes the jovial phase of their parenthood.

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    PCOS- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome. PCOS is an endocrine disorder, which affects the female’s reproductive duration. Several of the hurdles have to be faced by the women, who are in the clutch of PCOS syndrome. During this issue, small fluid-filled sacs develop on the female’s ovaries.

    Generally, it is seen that women, who face this issue, have trouble losing weight, and they are over-weight. PCOS common symptoms are – infertility- why this infertility? This is because if any woman is unable to perform her natural (menstrual) cycle and have an excess of androgen level, then the female can come with as an infertile female.

    PCOS, if treated earlier then it can be sorted out in a pleasant time. Losing the weight also decreases, the risk of health risks for example high cholesterol, heart disease, high BP, type two diabetes etc. This article is all about PCOS causes symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of PCOS. Go IVF Surrogacy is a leading IVF and Surrogacy company that understands the needs and concern of the couple, expert in solving the cases of PCOS issue.

    Let’s read the symptoms of PCOS disorder –

    • One of the common symptoms of PCOS is the growth of cysts on the ovaries
    • Irregular or infrequent menses
    • Acne, scalp hair loss, oily skin, and dandruff issue
    • Women with PCOS have trouble in losing the weight or gaining the weight
    • Due to this cause, many of the females suffer from infertility
    • High-stress level
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Suffers from pelvic pain
    • Excessive facial hair growth and on another region (chest, back region etc.)
    • Male pattern Balding (due to the high level of androgen)
    • Decreased libido
    • Heart disease & Type 2 diabetes

    These are some of the common symptoms of PCOS disorder.

    Important Key points on PCOS disorder –

    • Approximately 60-70% of the ovulatory issue (related to fertility) is due to PCOS
    • PCOS is somehow directly related to the growth of other medical conditions such as insulin resistance, high cholesterol, heart disease or type 2 diabetes
    • Most women with PCOS, have small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) on their ovaries and this leads to an imbalance in hormone levels
    • Women who get pregnant with PCOS, have a large risk of miscarriage, premature delivery or other issues during the delivery procedure

    What Causes PCOS?

    The actual cause of PCSO is unknown but there are some of the points that appear to be connected with the cause of PCOS, they are –

    • Insulin Resistance
    • Lifestyle
    • Family History
    • Weight

    Insulin Resistance –

    Insulin’s role is to keep the glucose level in the body from rising once after eating but if anyone’s body is insulin resistant, then the insulin might not able to keep the glucose level stable in the body and just because of insulin is not working effectively, the body will produce more insulin. This will create a high level of the production of androgen like testosterone in the female’s ovaries.

    This is the main reason for excessive hair growth, acne, irregular periods, trouble in the ovulation cycle etc. 70-80% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance factor.

    Lifestyle factors –

    Being over-weight because of an unhealthy diet or not doing physical activity also increases the factor of insulin resistance. Women who even not have PCOS issue and if she is over-weight can have the form of insulin resistance too.

    This means women with PCOS can have:

    • Insulin resistance because of genetic factors
    • Insulin resistance as a result of being overweight (related to diet and inactivity)
    • Combination of both of these factors Family History –

    PCOS also has a genetic component; family relatives of women with PCOS disorder have up to 40-50% chances to have this disorder. This family link is one of the main risk factors.

    Weight –

    Wight is also one of the crucial factors that worsen the insulin resistance factor and so does the symptoms of PCOS in women. Many of the women with PCOS issue are found to be inappropriate weight and not have the symptoms of the irregular menstrual cycle or excessive hair growth; these are those symptoms, which direct links to over-weight. That’s why, a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and doing physical activity help to treat PCOS syndrome.

    PCOS Treatment –

    A doctor can easily diagnose the condition of PCOS through a medical history, blood tests to measure cholesterol, glucose level or a physical exam, which include a pelvic exam etc.

    Home Remedies –

    There are several home remedies to control PCOS disorder; they are –

    • Ask with your doctor to give you a proper diet chart
    • Stick on a healthy and nutritious balanced diet
    • Do physical activity such as yoga, exercise, walking etc.
    • Stop smoking as this increases the level of androgen and also a risk for heart disease

    Maintain a Healthy Diet

    Women with PCOS, generally have an issue in their fertility, there are given treatments that will help the PCOS women to achieve healthy pregnancy –

    • Birth Control Pills
    • Fertility medications (during this medication, Clomiphene, injectable Gonadotropins (such as FSH, LH- Luteinizing hormone) are given to the female)
    • With the help of fertility treatments – One of the best and widely accepted fertility treatments is IVF, i.e. In Vitro Fertilization.

    If the woman is experiencing excessive hair growth, then with the help of the drug known as – Aldactone, Vaniqa, Propecia, this disorder can be solved (not for those women, who are trying to get pregnant).

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      IVF – an advance technique to decipher infertility disorder and IUI – this is one of the most productive and basic fertility treatments, which is also used to elucidate infertility symptoms. IUI and IVF- through infertility treatments, follow a different procedure.

      If the couple is planning to undergo fertility treatment then it is mandatory for them to seek the best fertility clinic for their medication. Infertility is growing day by day all over the world reaching its zenith level affecting many of the couples unable to attain their own baby.

      Whether it is IUI, IVF, Ovulation induction treatment or any other fertility treatments, you need to find the exact cause of your infertility. Experienced OB/Gynae is the only one who can guide you in a proper and correct manner. For this, you need to fish around for the best fertility clinic and veteran fertility expert. Go IVF Surrogacy is the top—leading health care company that not only puts forward the unbeatable fertility treatment but also furnishes with a favorable outcome. There are significant differences between these two treatments, let’s gather some of the dissimilarities of these two treatments.

      IUI Treatment Vs IVF Treatment –

      1. Procedure –

      IUI- Intrauterine insemination also referred to as Artificial Insemination. This treatment follows a single procedure, where washed sperm is directly transferred into the recipient’s uterus; this step itself enhances healthy and fast fertilization. Sperms are placed into the female’s uterus at the time of her ovulation. (Ovulation means- when a female unleashes a mature egg from the ovary). IUI may be performed with fertility medication or it can be sync with a woman’s natural cycle.

      On the other hand, IVF- In Vitro Fertilization – follows multiple procedures during the medication.IVF is the advance fertility treatment, were at the initial level, fertility drugs & hormonal injections given to the female patient for the stimulation of the ovaries. Once the ovaries are stimulated, eggs are retrieved under a mild anesthetic. Once the embryos are formed, they are incubated in the lab and then they are placed into the uterus of the female for successful implantation.

      1. Success rate –

      The success rate of any of the fertility treatment depends upon several factors such as

      • Age of the female partner
      • Sperm motility and its shape
      • Quality of the eggs and embryo
      • Fertility experts experience

      These are all the significant factors that matter in each and every fertility treatment. However, if we turn our focus on IUI and IVF success rates, then there is no doubt that the success rate of IVF is more than IUI. The success rate of IVF by Go IVF Surrogacy is 62-65% under the age of 35, the IUI success rate with Clomid (fertility medication) ranges from 35-45%.

      1. The possibility of multiple births –

      IUI treatment with fertility medication risks of multiple pregnancies that may include multiples or triplets or more. On the other hand, the risk of multiple pregnancies is much lower than IUI treatment. This is because at the time of embryo transfer only one or two embryones per IVF cycle is transferred.

      1. Duration of the treatment –

      IUI treatment length is much shorter than the IVF treatment. You are fortunate if you get your first IUI cycle successfully accomplished, this is the quickest and shortest route to bring home a baby. Since there are 4-5 steps in IVF treatment, hence it takes quite a long time for the completion, steps that involve in IVF, are –

      • Giving the fertility medications and hormonal injection
      • Egg retrieval process
      • Fertilization
      • Embryo transfer
      1. IUI and IVF treatment cost –

      IUI treatment costs much less than a single cycle of IVF treatment. This is one of the important factors, why couples choose IUI treatment for their infertility treatment. However, IUI treatment is cost-effective than IVF but that would become costly if the couple is undergoing multiple cycles of IUI. So, if the couple has been recommended by their fertility experts to go for IVF treatment on the basis of their infertility syndrome then they should not think about the kit of IVF or the cost of IVF. It is better to deal with quite costly IVF treatment rather than undergoing multiple failed IUI treatment because that will hurt you more.

      When should the couple go straight to IUI Treatment –?

      • There are specific symptoms, which are mentioned below that when the couple should think for their IUI treatment –
      • Female facing with hostile cervical mucus
      • If the woman is suffering from mild ovulation issue then IUI with fertility medications help the women achieving healthy fertilization
      • If the male partner is unable to unleash sperms at all then donor sperm is the best option to go for. If the female is ovulating properly then this procedure is accomplished with IUI treatment.
      • Mild male factor infertility
      • Same-sex couple

      When should the couple plump for their IVF Treatment –?

      IVF treatment is the best option for those patients, who –

      • Females, who have had fallopian tubes blocked or removed
      • The couple, who has decided to take help with the female donor (in this case, the female partner is unable to unleash healthy and good quality of the eggs, so this time with the eggs taken by the female donor, fertilization happens)
      • Females, who have endometriosis
      • A couple or an individual has a genetic or hereditary disease (with the technique – PGD with IVF)
      • Severe male factor infertility (IVF with ICSI technique)
      • Female facing ovulation issues like irregular or improper menstruation, a premature ovarian disorder, etc.

      Whether the couple goes with IUI treatment or IVF, the first thing that results in a positive outcome is a fertility clinic, which the couple fixes on. So, if you are planning for your fertility treatment, wake up, be quick as Age, and time never stops for anyone. Best of luck for the journey of your infertility treatment.

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        Because of the top quality of the medication with high success rate, numerous international patients, couples prefer India for their fertility treatment, one amongst best medication infertility treatment, which we are discussing right now, is IVF treatment. True! IVF is not just a boon for so many infertile couples but also it is the best therapy to disentangle infertility cause.

        Indian laws and regulation are favorable for the international patients and this is the main reason, why they choose India as their IVF destination. These are all the significant points that make India a favorable and favourite end place to solve the infertility issue.

        Infertility Treatment in India –

        Infertility is that issue, which is increasing all over the world that too at an alarming rate, due to this, infertility treatment is in constant demand globally, some of the countries are in high demand for the fertility treatment while some do not have. This may be due to fewer advance facilities to cater to ART fertility treatments, maybe they lack veteran expert or some other reason etc. There are few countries, where the whole process of fertility medication is balanced and India is one amongst them.

        There are several treatments to say goodbye of your childlessness tag from your life, a popular and worldwide accepted fertility treatment – IVF, In Vitro Fertilization.  With all the necessary facilities, India puts forth the infertility treatments at an affordable cost for all the people.

        That individual, who settle on India for their IVF course of medication or for other infertility treatments, here is a practical guide that will definitely help those couples who are outlining their plan to start a journey from own country to India for the treatment until the individual return own place after the treatment.

        How to Choose a Right and Genuine Fertility Clinic For Your IVF?

        A first and most important factor that comes in the way of your treatment journey is to choose the appropriate clinic for your IVF medication; there are several ways to do this – like

        • Local search
        • Direct contact with the fertility clinic
        • Or, through the business partners

        In some of the case of international infertile couples, they prefer direct searching in India (once they land in India) sometimes with their own and sometimes with the assistance of the agents. However, if you are going to single out this option then be aware of fake agents.

        Talking about the second option, you can directly contact the fertility clinic through the internet and make sure about its success rate, it’s cost etc. The patient can also give their medical history and the condition, by doing this the doctor at the clinic will give the best opinion on the basis of their medical report. The expert will tell you the treatment schedule too; this will help the patient to get a visa and arrival in India with the clinic’s guidance.

        About the third way of choosing the clinic is through the business partner; some fertility clinics of India have their tie-ups and their employees with the business partner, who might have a local office in Sri Lanka, Utopia, Bangladesh, UK, Nepal etc, by this way the couple can seek the best guidance from them before coming to India.

        Medical Visa is must for International Infertile couples –

        Yes! Without Medical Visa, a couple’s treatment is not possible, this is illegal in India and if the patient has arrived in India with just tourist visa or a business visa, they either have to return back to their own country or else they will face serious consequences.

        Suppose the patient has already contacted with their decided fertility clinic and communicated about their arrival in India, the clinic will send the patient a medical invitation letter to the country’s embassy stating the need for the patient’s medical treatment.

        It sometimes happens that some of the infertile patients, who are completely unaware about the entire procedure of getting a medical visa and coming down in India for their fertility treatment, if they arrive in India, this can become a major problem for the patient.  Since there are strict government rules, the clinics of India won’t be able to entertain these patients, and this will definitely make the patient into baffle situation.

        However, if the couple or individual arrives in India from underdeveloped countries (without a medical visa), there is an alternative way to come out from this situation.

        If the patient has already landed in India with just their business visa or tourist visa but they want a medical visa for the fertility treatment, then they can approach and request to FRRO (Foreign Regional Registration Office – an Indian government body) to convert their visa into medical visa in order to undergo IVF medication.

        If there is luck then FRRO will approve your request and convert your business visa into medical visa but if they do not approve then the patient has to return their own country and come back again in India on a medical visa.

        Once You Arrive in India on Medical Visa –

        Once the patient arrives in India, the fertility clinic arranges their stay near their own clinic itself providing all the necessary facilities to them. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the best and preferred health tourism companies by the international patient, which provide free pick-up and drop facility from the airport and coordinates best with the patient during their entire journey.

        If the patient has language barriers and unable to communicate in English then the clinic will hire a translator for them, (the patient has to bear the cost for it).

        Go IVF Surrogacy has decent tie-ups with several fully furnished hotels in order to give patient full comfort and security in their room or nearby area.

        IVF Treatment Procedure for International Patients –

        IVF treatment schedule is given to the couple once they arrive in India. As soon as the couple meets up the doctor, their IVF procedure is started without any delay.

        Once the IVF course of medication is performed, the couple soon leaves the country and go back to their own country for their pregnancy duration and delivery, while some of the couples stay in India until they become confirm about their positive pregnancy test. These are all the significant points that must be known by international couples before arriving in India for their IVF treatment.

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          It’s very important to find an appropriate fertility doctor to treat with any kind of issue related to your infertility. Infertility is one of the concern issues that is revolving around the world. Infertility could be easily explained as the impotency to conceive.

          If you are facing any type of syndrome, which is related to your pregnancy or fertility, then the first thing that each couple looks forward is fertility expert. Those couples, who do not have enough knowledge to choose the right fertility doctor, may not get that medication, which they deserve to.

          Trust me! It is not easy as a pie but it is not that difficult as above one’s head! What you really need to know several points before choosing a fertility specialist. We know all the medications are crucial but if talking about male or female fertility, then stop, stop, Stop! Think twice or thrice while coming on a single decision. You are not only hand-picking fertility expert for your consultation and further treatment (if required) but you are going to choose a life saver for your future family. So again Think and Act.

          To Choose Right Fertility doctor – Numerous points that You Need to Know  

          There are numerous reasons too, to want to stay with your Gyn., but don’t be hesitate to ask how much experience, training and success she/he has had in treating infertility. Gynecologists are there to diagnose and medicate women’s reproductive issues and also they are masters in treating with women’s childbirth, prenatal, postnatal care and pregnancy etc.

          It also can happen that a Gynaecologist may not have experience in the field of ART methodologies but may have enough experience in pregnancy, childbirth care etc. So, it is better to be asked from the couple to the gynecologist in which field she/he is specialized.

          If you are planning for fertility treatments, then better is for you to take some healthy decisions to get you on the right track for medications. You need to seek a board-certified reproductive OB/ GYN or endocrinologist who has a good experience to diagnose and treat infertility in both women and men. Male also want to consult an andrologist, who is a urologist and certified to work on male infertility.

          Initial Steps to Find suitable Fertility Specialist For You

          Some of the men and women start their search with their regular and nearby gynecologist or primary care doctor, this step is okay for the first step or we can say at the initial consultation. And if you are facing with infertility problem and has to undergo some ART treatment, then take your time and search the best Gynaecologist to treat with your infertility hurdle. It is not at all mandatory to have your medication to begin nearby your locality, plz! Don’t do this silly mistake just for your comfort. If you are not getting a suitable fertility expert, then go ahead and find something best for you.

          A veteran fertility specialist can better determine the exact course of medication if a woman is experiencing irregular menstruation, has a history of miscarriage, pelvic infection or she is unable to conceive because of her overweight (she might be in the clutch of PCOS then), or if a male is unfit to unleash healthy & motile sperms during his ejaculation.

          Important Points to Look For Appropriate Fertility Doctor –

          As mentioned above, there are certain aspects, which you need to know about the correct fertility expert. You should feel more than comfortable when meeting up with your fertility expert or we can say this that the expert’s behavior should be where you can easily feel pleasant instead of getting anxious or nervous.

          See, the infertility topic itself is quite intimate and sensitive, so, it is mandatory that specialist must serve the patient in her calm and submissive nature instead of showing cold or dismissive nature to the patient.

          At the initial consultation phase of yours, try to notice how much the doctor is showing interest in your case, is she listening to patience fully your matter or just taking for granted. If she rushes through the consultation only, or not wanting to explain the other medication/ treatment why this or that treatment is necessary or not, then move on- It’s going to be no use for you.

          Net and website are also a medium to find the best fertility doctor, so once you stick on any of the fertility specialists, just do cross-check in the net for further confirmation.  Experience and success rate of the fertility treatments also matters a lot in selecting right and veteran fertility expert.

          What Other Things Should The Couple Consider While Choosing Their Fertility Doctor?

          There are some extra healthy points or questions, which a couple should focus on and ask their fertility doctor. They are –

          From where did you receive the medical training and when?

          • How long have you been in the fertility department?
          • May I know how many successful deliveries or pregnancy you along with your team carried out?
          • If I will have any issue after your office hours, then whom should I call.
          • How much your fertility treatment cost? Does that package include- the entire medication, each procedure, and the lab work?
          • If you are an expert in IVF treatment, then how many cases you have solved till now successfully.
          • Can I get the entire information about your clinic’s success rate?

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            The basic success rate after embryo transfer depends upon the performance of a fertility clinic and the way the couple cares themselves. In any of the treatments, whether it is fertility-related medication or any surgery, the patient is recommended to take rest as much as possible as per the guidelines said by the doctor. In this page, we are going to discuss that concern issue, which is revolving day by day around the world. Infertility and IVF treatment, infertility is defined as the inability to give birth. IVF treatment in the ART technique is the universal remedy to get rid of this issue. Though infertility can’t be eliminated by its base root it can be solved temporarily by the fertility treatment relate to the patient’s issue.

            Once a couple undergoes IVF treatment, the couple is generally baffled about their successful pregnancy. The crucial point comes in the patient’s days after embryo transfer during IVF treatment. Yes! If a couple has their first IVF cycle, then their nervousness increases at the time of embryo transfer.

            These are some important points, which a couple must follow after their embryo transfer to get a favourable result in implantation and pregnancy –

            The first thing, which a couple should know is to avoid vigorous exercise –

            Some females think that after embryo transfer, rest is mandatory as much as possible; it’s not true actually. This thing is obviously appropriate that a woman must have to avoid heavy workout and vigorous exercise but she should not leave her day to day activity after embryo transfer.

            So, basically, you don’t have to restrict all your normal activities but it is strictly recommended for a female not to do high impact exercise, this is because a difficult exercise can stimulate her uterine contraction and if it occurs when there may be negative sign during her pregnancy.

            Intercourse- Yes! Sexual intercourse should also be avoided during these days. Some fertility clinics might have a different opinion regarding this statement but it is sure, while you do intercourse, uterine contraction occurs and that obviously has an adverse effect on a woman’s pregnancy. So, it is better to walk on the safe side and abstain from sexual intercourse for some time.

            Try to make yourself calm and positive –

            Those females, who have been through so much in the weeks of her IVF up to the embryo transfer, such as taking regular medications, hormonal injections, egg retrieval and then the step comes embryo transfer, now this is an important time to make yourself at ease and nurture.

            Try to take sufficient sleep and do that work, which makes you happy. If you want to watch movies, serials, go for it, enjoy your time and be positive. It happens in some cases, some females feel anxious and stressed so for them, the best option is to go for a walk with your partner and have a sweet talk together, this may create mood normal.

            No to say hot Shower –

            Yes! This is one of the important points, which has to be taken care of by the women who have completed her embryo transfer. Things you have to avoid are- taking hot tubs, hot yoga- by doing these activities, the female may raise her internal temperature and this should be totally avoidable.

            You can have a soothing lukewarm shower (as per the recommendation by your fertility expert)

            Eat the way as if you are Pregnant –

            True! One of the biggest questions comes in the mind of the female at this time is – what to eat and what to avoid.

            So, for them, who are confounded about their dietary chart, let them aware- No need to worry about your chart plan. You just eat as if you are pregnant.  Have lots of implantation diet and healthy foods. Stick on green vegetables, fresh fruits, protein, fiber-containing products, etc.

            For some duration, say bye for that food, which contains high-mercury fish, soft cheese. You should better take a complete data or diet schedule from your fertility expert. She will give the best guidance in looking your case. Alcohol, nicotine, usage of drugs and caffeine- these are some harmful substances, which you need to avoid completely.

            The Bottom line –

            These are some significant points, which a woman should do after her embryo transfer to get a favorable result in her pregnancy. You can speak to your doctor about the dosage of the supplements. Supplements of mineral or vitamin can have a beneficial impact on these days. You can add a supplement of folic acid, vitamin D and also vitamin B.


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              Infertility can be defined as a male or a female infertility problem, as the issues of infertility can be present within the female partner or the male partner and also it can probably become the issues of indemnifying the treatment to be made with such a projections that the treatment should be made available to the couples who are facing such kind of issues.

              And the relative treatment signs and symbols must be allured with infertility to be indemnified with the most effective treatment. As that the treatment will be done in a way that more or less insisting out the ways that define the treatment to be adjourned there within the accomplished format that made the treatment much more definite and most assessable and formatting that should be delivered in the enormous form.

              The relative signs of infertility should be made available in any of the partners within the couple whether the male partner or the female partner should be adjourned in such projections to be made effective in order to make the relative issues of infertility as an endangered issue.

              And the issues with such an aspect is evaluating the treatment to be acknowledged with the characteristic way that elaborates the more possessing acquisitions that are encompassing the most assertive way that is helpful in defining the treatment to be done.

              With the rich free diet, the most probable facts and figures should be inseminating and therefore eliminated with the relative ways that is scratched throughout the ways that is underdefined the most possessing way that is helpful in infertility factors to be resolved like the relative issues may be present in a male partner or the female partner or any other partner in making the treatment an associative treatment formatting.

              Who is more effective with the issues of infertility?

              Infertility issues can be present in any of the partner of the couple that the couple should be facing the issue of infertility due to the female partner or the male partner of the couple should be assessing such progressions that made the treatment an assertive way that may eliminate the issues of infertility.

              Infertility issues is being adjusted in making the elimination of the issues of infertility as with the treatment to be reflected out the way that endangers the issues to be probably inseminating the way out of the relative issues that is enhancing the projections that the enhancing way to be dealt with the relative issues that made the treatment an enormous treatment with all the facilitation to be provided so that the couples should be somehow evolved within such activists that made the treatment an accomplished treatment with all the aspirations that hardly matter in such a relative context.

              Infertility is now being considered as the big and the processed issue that made the signs and symbols to be encountered with the prominent ways and assumptions that made the treatment’s way back with the identified characteristics aspirations and is throwing back the way that is enhancing the formulized facts and figures to be made adjustable in such a relative aspect to be made adorable.

              As discussed Go IVF Surrogacy should be made adjourned with the most renowned characters that has simply helping in making the issues of infertility to be eliminated in such a relative aspect that has made the issues an enormous issues with all the facilitation to be made available in making the treatment of the issues of infertility to be done with the accomplished characters that is adorable within much effective formulations that is announcing the issues to be significantly mechanized in such a regard to be made adjourned.

              Treatment helpful in the removal of infertility issues

              IVF treatment should be encountered with the facts and figures that are insisting with the formulize way and the most appropriative character should be inseminated in finding the responsibilities of the infertility treatment so that the treatment should be made adjourned as in confirming out the way out of the factors of infertility that is adjourned with such figures to become out of the enormous way and formatting to be out of such issues of infertility.

              As the infertility relative facts should be encountered with the most enormous way that is delivering the ways towards the treatment so as to make the treatment much more enormous in making the issues of infertility to be eliminated within such a relative context that made the treatment an effective treatment that helps in the elimination of the infertility from the root to the tip and made the treatment more tremendous and effective.

              The infertility should be creating suitability, efficiency and other factors that are desirable with the treatment factors to be made acknowledged in inseminating the most desired facts and figures in acquisitions the memorable and insisting character that is more or less transverse the infertility factors that are enduring the more relative facts and characters that are to be done with the allured progressions that is in cognitive with the much endangered formulations.

              The factors of infertility within the male or female partner are not present since the childhood stage but are to be made available with the ways and suggestions that are considerable with the acquisitions as is being accrued with such characteristic feature that is in desirable in progressing the most enormous character that is definitely promoting with the affirmative infertility processions that are thereby endangering the diplomatic problems or issues to be adjourned in this respect.

              The treatment should be made effective in the acknowledgments that are made assessable in finding the tremendous way of the treatment that is encountered with the ways to be made out of infertility.

              So that infertility should be removed out of the life of the couple who is facing such kind of issues like may be the female partner is facing such issues or the male partner is facing the issues of infertility and must be trying to find out the ways that are much more significant as the treatment should be encountered with the IVF treatment in order to remove the relative issues of infertility.

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                For all the couples who are facing the issues of infertility should be accumulating the treatment that is more or less creates suitability among the couples for the identification that the AMH blood tests should be identified.

                AMH blood tests should be differentially lied between 2 to 3.5 where the treatment should be made possible for the treatments that are identified with the relative factors as the couples should become well aware of the fact that the couple should be accomplished with the facts that the treatment of IVF should be solely happening in case the treatment should be done with efficiency.

                In case the female AMH tests should be above or below the level than the female partner in the infertile couple is not able to deliver the qualified results that the eggs should not be obtained of the quality or the quantity that is needed by the fertility experts in making the treatment a resulting treatment. The treatment should be accomplished with the factors that clarified the resulting treatments to be accrued with the probable factors that are relatively assessed with the treatment to be delivering the required results in such an aspect.

                The couples should opt for the treatment relative with the IVF treatment using egg donor’s eggs because the eggs should be adjourned with the facts that the treatment should be done in the form relative with the eggs of the donor that may be elaborative with the facts.

                As the couple should be using the eggs of the intended mother should not be able to deliver the qualified results that are accrued with the facts that the treatment should be more or less resulting treatment that is favorably determining the infertility factors and that must be removed in an aspect to be made enormous within such an accomplished progressions.

                Are the eggs of the female whose AMH is low qualitative?

                In most of the cases, it is to be seen that the female partner in the couple who has low amount of AMH than the couple should be assessed that the treatment should be available with all the facilitation that the female partner should be having the required amount of AMH which may be helpful in treating the most effective treatment.

                For the females whose AMH is low as minimum of 2 should be not qualitative eggs should be extracted out of the female’s body as in case the female’s AMH is high like 3.5 or more than the eggs should be of the required quality that is assessing with the eggs that the eggs should be produced of the best quality and the quantity that the female partner must be needed in getting the prominent amount of eggs.

                If the female partner is producing qualified eggs as the eggs of the intended mother is enough to make the treatment of IVF a prominent treatment with all the available possession that is in assistance with the probable accusations that are identified with the enormous and effective treatments that are relative with –

                • The quality of the eggs
                • The quantity of the eggs
                • The ability to conceive as a detriment with the female’s body
                • In case the size of the uterus is not up to the mark
                • In case the blockage or the damaged to be found in the fallopian tubes of the female partner
                • In case the female has crossed her reproductive age

                All the above-mentioned factors that are relatively accrued with the process of the treatment of IVF that defines the best successful results that are elaborative with the desired treatment procedure that is made much more accurate results that are to be undermined with the most normative treatment. As an efficient and affordable result should be obtained in a desirable treatment procedure that identified and analyses with the fertility treatment procedure of IVF to be done.

                Using the fine quality eggs and the required quantity of the eggs that are defined in an assertive form that is relatively assistive with the most probable scenario that the couple or the female partner should be facing some difficulties that are accused with the effective processions that the fertility being concerned therewith.

                Defining the success results with low AMH and FSH

                For the females whose success rate should be differentiated because of the low AMH and FSH level that may be depending upon the quality and quantity of the eggs that is much more enormous with the female that is involved in the IVF treatment defining the most desirable treatment procedure. The treatment that is being connective with fertility treatment as the fertility to be made accusative and the results should be defined in the form that accomplished with the successful results.

                The success should be declared as an effective treatment to be made much more accurate that defines the best way out of the low AMH results and IVF with egg donor should be suggested to the infertile couples.

                So that the infertile couples should be able to get the definite and much more accurate results that are clarified with the IVF treatment so that the treatment should be defined with 80% successful results as defined at our clinic Go IVF Surrogacy where the success rate should be indemnified with the best results that are affirmative with such results to be delivered at the way defined in such progressions.

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                  The study elaborates that if the couple who is married and planning to owe a child and trying to reproduce naturally through the natural reproductive means but can’t as after one year of regular unprotected intercourse the female partner in the couple is not able to conceive then in such a case the infertile couple should consult the specialists for the fertility treatment whether the treatment for IVF and any other treatment should be done by the fertility experts so as to remove the issues relative to infertility that may accrue the fertility to be upgraded in the life of the couple who are facing the issues of infertility.

                  Infertility can be caused badly in the life of the couple who are having the issues with the same and in order to remove the issues of infertility, one should consult the fertility experts for the treatment of infertility and brings fertility in the life of the couple who wants to have the child of their own.

                  Infertility can be caused due to the factors like:-

                  • In case the couple has passed away their reproductive age as exceeding the age to reproduce then in such a case the couple may sometimes lead towards permanent infertility or may sometimes have the part of the infertility issues to be faced by the couple who are facing the issues of infertility since long or may have the time-bounded for the same.
                  • It is merely seen that the female partner should naturally reproduce in between the age group of about 22 years to 35 years without any fertility treatments to be prescribed but in case the female partner exceeds the age group and is now in her mid or late 30’s or maybe in early 40’s then in some of the cases the female partner is not able to conceive through natural reproductive form and may take the help of the fertility experts to conceive in such a process to owe the child to complete the family of the infertile couples.
                  • Merely only about 70% women in her late 30’s or early 40’s are able to conceive naturally with their first baby and rest can consult the fertility experts for the same to be held smoothly.
                  • If the women are not able to conceive then in such a case the female should consult the fertility expert to conceive if the female is not taking the birth control pills and despite that she is not able to conceive as having incessant trying of conceiving and despite that the female is not able to get pregnant.
                  • Here about 80% successful cases should be delivered as at our clinic in Go IVF Surrogacy that inseminates the best treatment of infertility in the form of IVF and other treatments of infertility as the fertility experts should recommend to the infertile couples.

                  What kind of issues one should face prior to knowing infertility?

                  In case the female partner finds it difficult to conceive due to the factors like:-

                  • In case she is not having the regular or timely periods or may face the issues with the absence of a periodic cycle.
                  • In case the female is having the issues of cancer treatment as with the chemotherapy or other relative issues.
                  • In case the female is facing the issues of reproduction which are not disclosed.
                  • In case the female is having the problems with the eggs as the quality and the quantity of the eggs are not fine which is helping the female partner in conceiving.
                  • In case the female partner is facing the issues of miscarriages one after the other in one way or the other.
                  • In case the female is having the problem of Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases particularly known as PID. So in such a case, the female finds difficulty in conceiving having the problem with the same.
                  • In case the female is having the disease of thyroid so in such a case so she is not able to conceive.
                  • The fertility experts should provide the treatment through medicines and injections but the female partner is not able to conceive then the fertility experts should consult the couple to opt for IVF treatment and through the treatment, the couple wants to owe their child and completes their family.

                  In case the male partner finds the issues before announcing infertility by the fertility experts through the tests and reports

                  • Low sperm count issues as merely faced by many male partners from the infertile couples that ascertains the failure of pregnancy even after incessant trying through the regular intercourse.
                  • Semen analysis of the male partner defines that the quality is not that much that is being helpful in making the female partner pregnant.
                  • Infertility is being diagnosed that the fertility treatment is being prescribed by the consultant so as to accrue the proficiency within the matter of infertility to be removed from the root to the tip in a better-formulized way that accompanying the better fertility acquisitions.
                  • Problems as being faced by the male partner through the ejaculation that is to be detriment within the same procedure to be completed there with the way formalized.
                  • In case the tiredness is being felt by the male partner during and after the sexual intercourse of the male partner with the female partner.
                  • In case the redness is being found near the testicles area.
                  • In case the male having the feeling of swelling issues at the outer most part of the male reproductive organ.

                  What do specialists recommend couples regarding infertility treatments? 

                  In the very first step of the infertility treatment, the specialists recommend the couples that the couples should first start up the treatment of infertility through the medications and the injections to make the female partner pregnant but in case the pregnancy is not achieved then the fertility experts should recommend the couple to get the treatment through IVF.

                  And if in case the couple fails to achieve success even though the IVF treatment than the couple should opt for IVF with ICSI in case the male partner is infertile and is not able to  produce qualitative sperms and then release the qualitative as well as the quantitative sperms and have low mobility and less sperm count than the couple should opt for IVF with IUI treatment and in case all the fertility treatments are failed then the couple must go for IVF with Surrogate that is more helpful for the infertile couples to remove infertility and brings happiness with owing the child through fertility treatment.

                  Related Blog :- IVF Clinic In India 



                  There are basically many factors that are most prominently affecting the fertility and lead the fertility towards infertility. The numerous factors that accelerate the treatment in accomplishing the infertility factors as mere about 15% to 20% couples are facing the issues of infertility and in order to remove them infertility relative factors one should have to consult the fertility experts for getting the treatment to be done for those infertile couples who are having the need to complete their own family with the fertility treatment in the form of IVF and having the child belongs to the couple that is only a possibility as created by the treatment of IVF.

                  Factors that are favorable in increasing the infertility are:-

                  • Age of both the partners of the couple whether (the female partner and the male partner of the couple).
                  • Tobacco intake by the infertile couples (whether the male partner or the female partner) or may be the case where both are indulged in such acts of taking the tobacco on regular basis.
                  • Alcohol consumption is also playing an important role in increasing the factors relative to infertility.
                  • Street drugs consumption like cocaine and marijuana.
                  • Low sperm count or the motility of the sperms in the male partner of the couple that affects one’s fertility and leads infertility in the body of males.
                  • Quality and quantity of the eggs in the female partner of the couple that affects one’s fertility and leads infertility in the human body.

                  Favorable symptoms present in the human body that defines  infertility

                  The most identified symptoms that define the infertility issues within the couple’s in arousing the fertility in the human body. The one most diagnosed symptom is an unprotected intercourse of more then a year if the couple is facing such kind of issues then the matter should be consulted by the couple to the fertility experts in order to resolve the issues relative to infertility.

                  Symptoms that are common in both male and female are:-

                  • Hormonal changes that are rapid with the age of the couple (whether the male or the female).
                  • Hair loss in case the couple is treating with the chemotherapy in case of the cancer treatment.

                  Differential forms of infertility in the female are:-

                  • Damage found inside the fallopian tubes.
                  • Blocked fallopian tubes.
                  • Blocked fallopian tubes.
                  • Eggs are not of fine quality.
                  • Feeling of restlessness.
                  • Menstruation cycle are not timely may be before or after the described date of the menstrual cycle.
                  • In case the female is facing the issues of regular miscarriages.
                  • Cancer treatments in case the female partner is having the treatments with chemotherapy and having the medicines with the cancerous diseases.

                  Forms of infertility in the male partner:-

                  • Male partner who is indulged in the treatment of cancer and having the treatment with chemotherapy and other relative treatments including the medicines and other treatments.
                  • Semen analysis of the male partner in order to diagnose infertility related issues.
                  • Quality of the sperms in case the sperms are not of the fine quality which is required to make the female pregnant.
                  • Quantity of the sperms is not up to the mark as required in the female pregnancy.
                  • Low sperm count and the feeling of swelling in the lower part of the testicles and also the redness found in the testicular part of the male reproductive organs.
                  • In case the male partner is having the treatment because of sexual problems which are not disclosed by the male partner.

                  How incessant trying turns infertility into fertility with best success rate?

                  Success rate should be in upward direction that may increase the chances of the fertility and the  treatment may become successful for bending the infertility towards fertility and with having the fertility treatment with Go IVF Surrogacy that is having more and more successful ratios to be determined with the fertility. The success should be determined with the effective infertility to be removed in an effective form that accuses the treatment to be predetermined by most of the infertile couples that are facing the issues with the same and wants to get the success over the infertility through the IVF treatment with the guarantee to owe the child soon.

                  The fertility success rate should be determined according to the different states within the country India, where Delhi is the leader among fertility relative issues and having the highest success rate all over the metropolitan state of the country India having the success rate of about 88% as fairly known by many infertile couples.

                  Mumbai is the second leading state that provides the best success rate of the country India where the the success rate is merely about 84% which is really a good success rate for infertility removal in the whole country and also the state of Ahmadabad is the least among all the states of the country India with   having the success rate of merely about 70% on an average.

                  How to avoid the issues of Infertility?

                  The issues of infertility can be removed according to the factors that are playing the vital role for the removal of the issues of infertility from the life of the infertile couples who are facing the bare issues of infertility.

                  How does male partner prevent causes of infertility?

                  • Consuming the drugs should be avoided by the male in case the male partner is getting rid of  the infertility issues.
                  • Avoiding the high temperatures in the environment as recommended by the experts because it is highly impacting the motility of the sperms.
                  • Avoiding the medicines that may cause infertility in the male’s body.
                  • Regular exercise is also the cause for infertility to be seen by the experts as mere about 15% males are facing the issues of infertility because of the same.

                  How does female partner prevent causes of infertility?

                  • In case the female partner is habitual of smoking than in such a case, the female should quit the smoking habit so as to raise the level of fertility and decrease infertility from the female’s body.
                  • Not to intake excess of street drugs like the drugs of cocaine and marijuana.
                  • Quit the consumption of alcohol in case the female is alcoholic.
                  • In case the female is overweight or underweight so in that case, also the female is not able to conceive or may face regular miscarriages whenever she is thinking to conceive.
                  • Exercise on a regular basis should lead the female partner not to conceive soon as required or as in the case of the fertile female partner of another couple.

                  Related Article :- IVF treatment Mumbai




                  Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

                  No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

                  About Go IVF Surrogacy:

                  With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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