


ICSI came into existence in 1992; the first baby via this procedure was born in Belgium. ICSI is one of the techniques in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and can be considered as the extent of the IVF process. ICSI is the procedure where a single sperm is directly injected into the cytoplasm of each egg. ICSI is usually tagged along with IVF treatment. ICSI is the beneficial procedure for those males, who face male infertility such as low sperm count, less mobility of the sperm, and unable to penetrate itself into the egg’s wall. In rare cases of male infertility, there are some men, who are found to be no sperm (or very few) in his ejaculation – during this case, SSR (Surgical Sperm Retrieval) is performed using ICSI method.

ICSI is the process, where the embryologist inserts a single sperm into each egg, which has been retrieved at the time of egg collection; once the embryologist inseminates the sperm into the egg, he or she then leaves the petri dish for few days in the lab. The experts keep noticing the fertilized egg and plan whether the embryo is ready to transfer into the woman’s uterus or not.

ICSI treatment cuts-down the time of fertilization compared to the conventional IVF method. ICSI is the second most advanced fertility treatment, with IVF being the first.

Fertilization in ICSI technique – 

Fertilization in IVF treatment can be achieved in two ways –

  1. Traditional method
  2. ICSI technique

A couple, if undergoing standard or traditional IVF, fertilization occurs naturally, where the most motile and active sperm gets penetrated the egg’s wall and goes into the cytoplasm. Here, more than 50,000 sperms are placed next to the eggs for natural fertilization. On the other hand, ICSI requires a unique technique at the time of insemination. During this procedure, a glass needle (called micropipette), is used by the specialist to inject the sperm directly into the egg’s cytoplasm. This process is accomplished by providing stimulatory drugs to the woman. Once the eggs are enough matured, eggs are taken out from the woman’s ovaries and kept in the petri dish. Later on, the step of fertilization is performed, and single sperm is injected into each of the eggs, which has been collected.

There is not such any requirement of the sperms to naturally penetrate with the egg’s wall and reaching the cytoplasm in the case of ICSI. Hence, there is the lessening time in the procedure of ICSI comparative to conventional IVF. ICSI is one of the advanced methods of IVF, but it never gives the assurance of the fertilization being successful. Undeniably, ICSI has a bit increased success rate comparing to IVF but not comes with a guarantee.

ICSI Definition –

ICSI is the acronym of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, which is one of the productive methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART). This technique is used in the case of male infertility. Also, when the male is found to be azoospermic (absent of sperms), sperms are collected using a surgical way, and then via the ICSI method, a single sperm is directly injected into the egg.

With this advancement of the technique, a single sperm is introduced into the egg, which has been obtained during IVF.  Once the sperm gets fused into the egg, later is the formation of Embryo. Experts wait for few days for embryo transfer. Pregnancy is initiated once the embryo gets implanted into the uterus. ICSI gives a high success rate than IVF treatment.

Is there any difference between IVF and ICSI?

There is no such significant difference between IVF and ICSI because each of the procedures is the same, apart from the cost and the system of fertilization. During the conventional IVF, the eggs are just kept with the sperm in the petri dish letting the natural fertilization happen. On the other hand, ICSI takes a speedy step of fertilization. The embryologist inserts a single sperm directly into the egg and insemination takes place. Apart from this step, the rest of the procedure is similar to the IVF. A couple chooses ICSI treatment if the male’s sperm has some abnormality.

Steps involving during ICSI technique –

As described above, the method, which is used during ICSI, is known as Micromanipulation. In this technique, the embryologists of Go IVF Surrogacy under the inverted microscope are used to choose and pick the sperm, which is motile and normal. The sperms are selected in a special needle.

Once the experts obtain the sperm, the next process is injecting this sperm one by one into the inner part of the egg. The needle is carefully removed after inserting the sperm into the egg’s cytoplasm. Now, these eggs are inspected under the guidance of the fertility team and analyze on which day, the embryo should be transferred into the woman’s uterus. This is all about the process of ICSI.

At The End –

Since a single sperm is inserted into the egg, ICSI is one of the highly-targeted methods of IVF treatment, providing a good success rate. ICSI technique won’t be an active process, if the female is supposed to be infertile, i.e., if the female comes up with the poor quality of the eggs. If the male’s sperm could not be treated with ICSI, then some other advanced forms of ICSI can be used such as PICSI, IMSI.

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    To know whether a male or female facing fertility issues, the specialist will go over some sexual history, health history, any past medical problem, how often the couple involves sexual intercourse and some other relevant information.

    A male has to undergo a physical evaluation test and if recommended then the male has to go for a semen analysis test too- these tests clarify the specialist to know the root cause behind his infertility (if there is any). Semen analysis test is a test performed to know if there are any issues in a male’s fertility system. If the sperm is found non-motile, inactive or very less in the count then the specialists will further look for the treatment suitable for his case. We are going to discuss the most preferred fertility treatment options for males (females also) as this page goes down.

    Talking about the female fertility diagnostic tests, the specialist starts questioning about female’s any past medical history if any surgery she has been undergone; a physical exam and a pelvic exam is carried out. The specialist makes sure that the female is ovulating properly and releasing the eggs from her ovaries without any barrier. Specialists also take blood tests to evaluate hormonal levels. If necessary, female’s uterus and fallopian tubes are examined by specific X-ray tests and ultrasound.

    Approximate 70-80% of females have a common issue behind their infertility with their ovulation issue or have blocked fallopian tubes. Males have sperm issues (such as inactive, less motile, low count of sperm or morphologically unfit sperm). In 5-15% of infertility cases, the cause is unknown or idiopathic.

    Women facing ovulation issues can be solved by fertility medication but if a woman faces severe infertility issues such as painful menstrual cycle, irregular ovulation (or menstruation for the past few months), then she needs to undergo advanced fertility treatment options to have own baby. The same goes for males if a male experiences mild male factor infertility, then by the help of IUI treatment he can impregnate his partner.

    What are your Fertility Treatment Options- Let’s have a look 

    Thanks to the advanced medical technology, this has opened many gates for the childless couples to get their baby by different fertility treatment options. Several Fertility Treatment Options are available to eradicate the couple’s infertility issue such as –

    • Fertility medications and drugs associated with ovary stimulation
    • High-tech ART technique (Assistive Reproductive Technology)
    • IVF or Test Tube Baby Treatment
    • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
    • Surgery (if required)

    Some other Fertility Treatment Options include the following –

    • One of the advanced Fertility Treatment Option is the Egg Donation Method – This is the procedure, where a fertile and healthy woman donates her eggs to help another infertile female to build her family. The woman who donates her eggs could be a known or unknown egg donor. This is the best treatment option available for those couples, wherein the female partner is unable to supply the fine quality of the eggs.
    • Gestational Surrogacy – This fertility treatment option is best for those couples, who are unfit to carry the pregnancy or have experienced multiple IVF failures; this procedure is best suitable for those females, whose uterus have some abnormalities or maybe the female has undergone the surgery of hysterectomy (the uterus is removed).
    • Adoption method – an option to have a kid (not biologically related) from the third party.

    Some Best Fertility Treatment Options – 

    I hope you have read the above methods of getting pregnant, along with the above infertility treatments, there are numbers of fertility treatments that are discussed below. These fertility treatment options are the best and preferred in almost all the infertility cases of males and females based on their reports.

    It is always not important that a couple has to go for fertility treatment to have their child; rather there are some natural ways too such as weight loss, eating a proper diet, stick on healthy routine (that includes daily exercise, yoga). Yoga is the best way to transform yourself into the happiest way because there are some couples, who at initial phase get frustrated and anxious about not being pregnant, by dong yoga a person feels relax and calm at mind this is why yoga and breathing technique can give in a positive result for your pregnancy.

    Those dealing with depression stress of infertility and restlessness can choose fertility treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and counseling.

    Even if you are undergoing any advance fertility treatment then yoga helps you to relax and feel better all through the way of treatment. Go IVF Surrogacy is the leading centre that provides a familiar touch along with the best fertility treatment option. This centre is enriched with world-class fertility veterans, who have a high success rate giving maximum live births via IVF treatment.

    1. Medications –

    Usually, more than 70% of females face ovulation issues; this disorder can be resolved giving fertility medications to the female. Your doctor can suggest you the way how to go for this treatment.

    2. Artificial Insemination – 

    This is one of the basic male infertility treatments, where washed sperms are directly placed into the uterus of the female (at the time of her ovulation). This treatment option with or without be done using ovulation medication because if the female is ovulating regularly then an ovulation detector can be used to find the exact date of the female ovulation phase.

    3. IVF – 

    As stated above too, IVF is one of the most productive and advanced fertility treatment options available to resolve infertility issues. IVF is also performed using different techniques such as donor egg, donor sperm, and donor embryo (as per the case of infertility in a couple).

    1. ICSI – 

    ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection involves is followed by IVF treatment but during the procedure of fertilization during ICSI, a single (motile and active) sperm is inserted into each egg (that has been picked up from the female’s ovaries). ICSI is a male infertility treatment and shows a high success rate too.

    1. Fertility Preservation Option – 

    Yes, now a couple can preserve their fertility for later, how? They can simply freeze the eggs by choosing an authentic fertility centre you can undergo this procedure.

    1. Egg Donation – 

    Women who are unqualified to supply with healthy eggs during the egg retrieval procedure of her IVF treatment, donation egg is the best option to go for. During egg donation, an egg donor undergoes all the medications until the completion of her egg pick-up process.

    1. Surrogacy – 

    Surrogacy is the best option in the ART technique and is used by those couples, wherein the female partners are unable to carry the baby in the womb due to any uterine issue (or removal of the surgery- Hysterectomy).


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      What makes a PERFECT family? True, it’s Bonding- that makes a family an ideal one. Bonding doesn’t mean that the members are connected only in the jovial phase rather a family is said to be idyllic when each member is coupled with one another in all ups and downs. Family plays a vital role throughout an individual’s life. Coming to the main point, we are discussing here, the most preferred ART technique- about IVF treatment and how family and the partner should decide on IVF treatment.

      If you are outlining yourself to prepare for IVF treatment then this content would be advantageous to you. Apart from it, we are here to solve your fertility issue with the help of suitable fertility treatment. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the ongoing fertility centers that endeavor 100% effort to achieve positive pregnancy tests, keeping Mother always safe.

      IVF is not at all an easy-going procedure, throughout the entire process, a female has to undergo with several steps, beginning from initial consultation, fertility medication, follicular aspiration process, few ultrasounds, blood work, embryo transfer and so on. So, a couple, especially a woman has to learn the way to handle frustration, time lag during IVF treatment, shock, grief, and discomfort; apart from it, she also needs to know how to carry self-confidence and positivity all through the way of IVF treatment.

      The question comes here who can provide you- confidence, hopefulness, and optimism before, during or after the treatment? It’s Family. Family plays an essential role in how to cope with the situation, hurdles, stress and other worries. Let’s get to know how your family and your partner contribute to the success rate during IVF treatment of yours.

      You need to make sure you have a healthy equation with your Partner –

      Completely True! Studies have depicted the one who suffers in their relationship might suffer in their treatment too. The conversation is the key to unlock any trouble, so take out your time and have a nice discussion with your partner. During IVF, the female is majorly involved in all the steps, because of this some men just leave the hands of their partner; it should not be like this. Since the baby born after IVF will not only be associated with Mother but father too, therefore you both have to work as a team.

      If you both understand each other, neither the relationship suffers nor you will get into unnecessary arguments during the medication. Try to understand the emotional bond and support, which is indispensable throughout IVF treatment. It is usually observed that the couples having infertility avoid talking or discussing any matter with their close ones, friends or relatives. Make sure to communicate with positive people because they not only guide you the best but also they can calm your anxiety and worries.

      However, a relationship is one of the biggest strengths during the couple’s IVF treatment. Each couple, who is settling on this treatment, should keep in their mind that nothing is more central than you and your partner’s relationship.

      One more important aspect is not to blame each other. Blaming sounds weird and does not make sense. Try to have a funny talk, crack a joke and go for movies. Staying contended is not that difficult as it sounds. Enjoy each moment even if it is not going according to you; make sure you both never ever leave each other’s hand.

      Some side-effects of medications and your family support –

      The above point was of you and your relationship with your partner and now here comes, how family support is important. Fertility medication during IVF treatment can have mood swings, anger issues, irritability, and discomfort. So, during the course of medication, a female has to calm down herself, avoid taking needless stress and tension. Hormonal injections and fertility drugs also lead to several psychological side effects.

      During the phase of the initial medication, a female has to consume the synthetic estrogen clomiphene citrate that facilitates egg maturity level and multiple eggs to be prepared. This fertility medication is one of the essential parts of IVF treatment. Though this drug enhances the possibility of fertilization, it causes female partner (patient) uneasiness, hence it is advised by the expert not to take any kind of stress and hassle regarding their result.

      Meanwhile, you have your family by your side- The principal of your life. Share each and every feeling with your family member, have a chit-chat with your close ones. Communicate as much as you want, surround with those people whose opinions and views are positive. You can also consult with a specialist about the side-effects of the fertility medication, in order to cope up with that situation. If you will know earlier about the side-effects, it will be easy to deal with the issues. Stay Positive and Stay Calm.

      Patience, Patience, and Patience- all you need –

      Yesss!!! This is another key point to have your IVF unruffled and relaxed. You really have to carry Patience all the way of your IVF journey. Keep patience everything will be fine! With the procedure of IVF treatment, several couples have been blessed with a baby (sometimes at the second attempt of IVF and sometimes the couple gets conceived on their third attempt). So, have patience and go onward, everything will be fine.

      You need to understand the significance of having patience. Sometimes, women face multiple miscarriages, they usually get mentally disturbed and this is the hardest phase, where they really want someone, who can hold their emotional level or need strong family support. Failed IVF treatment can also lead to unnecessary stress.

      The family has a miraculous touch, so it is important to exchange your thoughts, even if you are sorrow doesn’t matter, go and speak with your close ones. However, you should not lose hope even if your first attempt IVF fails; there are numerous ART treatments that can help you to attain pregnancy. All you need to do is to consult with the team of Go IVF Surrogacy and later procedure is in your court to decide which treatment you want to undergo.

      Conclusion –

      IVF is one of the best techniques to have your own baby, but the outcome of IVF varies from patient to patient. Touchwood, advanced medical technology has been a boon for us as there is not a single treatment to attain pregnancy by artificial method; rather there are multiple treatments in ART that can help the couple to arrive at the stage of their parenthood. Go IVF Surrogacy performs unsurpassed IVF treatment with a high success rate to the couple. So, what you are waiting for? It’s the right time to fish around for the experienced and best IVF centre for your treatment to have victory in your treatment.

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        Surrogacy is the best procedure to get your own child; did you know what surrogacy actually means? The actual meaning of Surrogacy is Rental Womb. True! Surrogacy is the process, where a woman keeps the fetus of another couple for 9 months in her womb carefully. Surrogacy is a boon for those couples who are due to their medical reasons, unable to carry a pregnancy. Gestational Surrogacy is the ultimate procedure to attain parenting and enjoy the most unforgettable days of your parenthood days.

        Who doesn’t want to hold tiny little fingers and hands of a baby in pink? Guess No-One, at a certain phase of a couple’s life, there is a requirement to welcome a new member and to get promoted from husband and wife to Mom and Dad.  At Go IVF Surrogacy, we fulfill this requirement and try to make the impossible task a possible one by elimination a tag of infertility in an individual’s days.

        What is Infertility and at which case, Gestational Surrogacy should be chosen?

        Infertility is all about misbalancing of the hormones due to the number of reasons that may arise from environmental factors, lifestyle factors (such as smoking, consumption of heavy alcohol, unhealthy diet plan, etc.), chemical hazardous in work area and many more variables affect individual’s fertility. Some medical reasons in female could be – damaged or blocked the fallopian tube, uterine issue, etc.

        Infertility disorder is of several types and so their treatments are. Since each individual is unique in his or her own way and that’s why a patient’s case fluctuates from one person to another.

        Now the question comes here that when Gestational Surrogacy should be considered? Okay, so before going into this chapter, let’s gather some basic info about Gestational Surrogacy.

        Gestational Surrogacy – During this surrogacy, a surrogate carries an embryo after the intended couple’s IVF performed. Surrogacy is a complete-time taking procedure because here, a couple has to wait for more than 9 months to have their own baby but let the reader be aware of Gestational Surrogacy’s success rate is higher than any other ART techniques or we can say that it gives almost 100% success result to attain parenthood.

        Majorly in gestational surrogacy, the main responsibility is of a Gestational Surrogate, who begins her role from the step of embryo transfer and completes the task once she delivers a baby to the intended couple. Later on, post-care of a surrogate is taken care of by the fertility centre, which has provided the agreement of surrogacy and surrogate.

        The intended couple can choose surrogate mother by own as well, methods to go for a surrogate–

        1. She can be couple’s close relative, friend or family member
        2. A couple can choose the surrogate from the surrogacy agency
        3. the surrogate mother is best available at ART specialist centre too

        Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading ART fertility centers that provide fit and healthy surrogate during the surrogacy procedure. Surrogacy and other ART treatments are performed under the guidance of the best fertility team and veteran fertility specialist, who have more than 30 years of experience for eradicating infertility issue.

        Gestational Surrogacy should be considered by the couple when –

        Gestational surrogacy is the second to none advance Art technique that comes up with the highest success rate and a decent delivery count. This surrogacy should be planned when –

        • A couple has been experiencing repeated miscarriages
        • Female has been undergone surgery of uterus removal (hysterectomy)
        • Female has some severe uterine issue
        • Has an anxiety disorder or acute disease
        • A woman, who produces healthy eggs but due to her uterine issue, she can’t carry the pregnancy
        • Recurring IVF treatment failure

        Gestational surrogacy is chosen by gay couples as well, where one of the partners provides own sperm sample and with the help of donor egg, fertilization is accomplished. Once an embryo is created, the embryo is placed into the uterus of the surrogate.

        Surrogacy has been a blessing for not only infertile couples but also a single parent and a gay couple. There are different surrogacy agreements in various countries and on the basis of the country’s rules and guidelines, Gestational Surrogacy is performed.

        The procedure of Gestational Surrogacy –

        Gestational Surrogacy as earlier said is the best ART technique and always accomplished by IVF treatment. Surrogacy without IVF method is not possible, although there is one surrogacy that not requires IVF and that surrogacy method is referred to as Traditional Surrogacy. During this surrogacy, a surrogate uses her own eggs and by the technique of Artificial Insemination or IUI, sperms are washed carefully and placed into the uterus of the female (by knowing the exact ovulation date of the surrogate). This method takes a risk of emotional bonding because here the baby is related to the surrogate mother by genetic bond, hence traditional surrogacy is not preferred by the couple, and even this surrogacy is banned in many of the countries too.

        During Gestational Surrogacy, the initial steps are the same as IVF treatment. Ovary stimulation is done, where a female has to undergo with fertility drugs and regular hormonal injection, this course is of 10 to 13 days until the female reaches the level of a matured egg.

        Via Transvaginal ultrasounds, experts evaluate the maturity level of eggs and once they get confirmed about full-grown eggs in the female’s ovary, they start preparing for the next step that is – Collection of the eggs or Follicular Aspiration. This is a minor surgical procedure, where a female is given local anesthesia before collecting the eggs. It might happen that a female experiences cramp after this process but no worries, as this cramp and discomfort will go by 5- 6 days. The experts of Go IVF Surrogacy carry out this step in a calm and careful manner by cutting down any discomfort and pain throughout the entire procedure.

        These eggs are collected with the help of a hollow needle from each ovary. Keeping all the eggs on a culture dish, the fertilization process is initiated.

        On the very same day of the egg collection process, collecting the semen sample is done; by mixing the sperms and retrieved eggs in the same culture dish, the process of fertilization is carried out. Fertility experts of Go IVF Surrogacy hand-pick one or two (by the consent of the couple) fine embryo (s) for the last step of IVF- embryo transfer.

        But here, the story turns left, instead of placing the embryo into the recipient’s uterus, this embryo is transferred into the surrogate’s uterus. And from here, Gestational Surrogate takes the role over.

        Since now, the vital role plays by surrogate mother or gestational surrogate. Once the surrogate mother completes 9-month pregnancy duration, Gestational Surrogacy is about to end. So, the last step of this surrogacy is done by submitting the new-born to the intended couple.

        Here we are, providing each and every minute detail of Gestational Surrogacy and its procedure.

        Take-Home a Message –

        Gestational surrogacy is the preferred method to have your own biological child. Another plus point of this surrogacy procedure is that the toddler has a direct relation with the intended couple or actual couples. There is neither any risk nor any emotional attachment that could happen all through the journey of Gestational surrogacy method. So, if a couple is experiencing recurrent miscarriages or a female partner has uterine issues, maybe the absence of uterus, then the couple must consider for gestational surrogacy to enjoy their parenthood days soon.

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          A complete YES! You have heard right, if you are planning to get pregnant at your 40’s then there is yet time remaining with you but for it, you need to go a little hard. Experts say ‘It’s never too late to get pregnant’, same case is there with those women, who have delayed their pregnancy or may be due to some other reason they have shifted their plan to get conceived, there are some women who have gotten married late or the one who wants to have baby in second marriages. Women who are damn busy in pursuing their career also delayed their pregnancy. This is the reason, why a certain number of women phases a hard time to achieve their baby at an increased age.

          Why it is hard to get pregnant at your increased age?

          Age, Age, and Age!!!! True, age is a vital factor that contributes to success in pregnancy. Fertility is all about the matter of age.  The older the woman, the lesser is her possibility of conception, the fertility window is best before the age of 35. A woman is born with all the eggs at her birth time; the older a woman get her healthy eggs to decline, thereby dropping off the chances of her being conceived. This is the significant reason, why fertility specialist recommends the couple to have a baby by the age of 30 or max 35 because at this age woman’s egg quality is strong enough to be fertilized with the sperm, resultant a healthy embryo.

          How to get Pregnant at the ’40s?

          Even if you are planning for your pregnancy at your 40, what you need to take care of one thing and that is your Healthy Lifestyle. Living a healthy and happy life even before pregnancy or at the time of pregnancy is very important to get a fine and fettle baby. A healthy diet involves whole grains, fresh fruits and a higher amount of protein. Regular exercise, meditation, and a healthy habit maintain fertility potential too.

          With the help of advanced technology and medical science, the options of motherhood at a late age are possible. There are three means to have own baby after the age of 40, they are –

          1. The natural way of conception
          2. IVF with the help of own eggs
          3. IVF using donor eggs

          The first option is quite hard to achieve. Once in a rare case, is found, where the egg quality in women who have reached their 40, is fine and up to the requirements for natural fertilization. Once a woman gets the age of their 35 and so, her egg becomes unable to fertilize easily or we can say, it loses the capacity of being fertilized with the sperm.

          Natural conception depends upon how far you are into your 40’s. Based on the average annual rate of pregnancy per cycle of women at 40’s it is 20-25% and this value falls down at an increasing age of 40. Once a woman reaches 45, she is far less likely to get pregnant naturally. Women, who conceive at their 40’s, have chances of miscarriage and birth defects. Usually, women experience these two complications at an older age while trying to get pregnant.

          Now you must be wondering about some effectual methods to get pregnant at the ’40s. There is never late when you will consider fertility treatments to get conceived. True! Treatments such as IVF, ICSI are considered as a boon for several infertile couples to eradicate infertility issue in men and women. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading fertility clinics that encompasses all ART techniques starting from basic to super advanced, the success rate of this clinic ranges from 55-65% (depends upon the case of infertility too).

          During IVF treatment with own eggs at the ’40s, you might hardly get positive outcome as your eggs at that age lose the capacity of being fertilized with the sperm. For IVF with own eggs, your experts will monitor the quality of your egg level first then according to their say, you can go further.

          IVF Treatment with Donor egg is beneficial and it is the most productive one to achieve pregnancy at your 40’s. Speak to your expert of you are Ok with the idea of egg donor IVF treatment. Egg Donor IVF is a far effective method and is used when the recipient female is unable to unleash the productive and fine quality of the egg.

          According to the latest study, it has been proved that in the early ’40s, about 30-40% of women are able to conceive through the procedure of IVF donor eggs method. Overall IVF using donor egg results in a successful outcome. On average, the success rate of pregnancy with the help of a donor’s egg in women under the age of 45 is higher than those above that age. That is why, it is recommended for women, who are planning to delay pregnancy beyond 45, need to think about other methods such as eggs/embryo frozen technique (earlier).

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            IVF is an advanced fertility treatment that has been widely accepted as the best ART technique to get rid of infertility issue. Infertility, on the other hand, is a hormonal disorder caused by several factors like lifestyle routine, environmental effects, stress, depression, addiction of smoke or alcohol, poor and unhealthy diet, etc.

            IVF has been a miracle ART treatment for numerous couples yet and it is doing its best in the area of infertility matter. However, if you didn’t get success at first attempt of your IVF cycle then what to do? How many IVF cycles should I try before giving up and moving on to other option to accomplish my family? Generally, this question comes in the mind of the couple once they had their IVF unsuccessful. Let’s get into an elaborate description of this answer.

            IVF never comes up with the promise –

            IVF, although a productive treatment to eradicate infertility, never gives assurance to the couple about its 100% result. Several people think that once they get into their IVF treatment, it’s only a matter of time until they will be holding their baby soon after treatment. However, this is not true!

            IVF is no doubt most acceptable treatment to get own baby but IVF does not give you 100 percent success result for pregnancy. Age of the woman also decide the chances of pregnancy.

            Woman’s age is one of the crucial factors that result in IVF as a big hit for the infertile couple. As the age of the woman increases, her egg quality declines. That’s the reason, why menopause occurs in women. Once the woman comes in the age group of 45-50, her menstruation becomes over due to the natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from aging. It marks a permanent end to the women’s fertility and the average of menopause is approximate 51-53.

            So, if a woman outlines their pregnancy after her forties or late 40’s then even IVF won’t work properly because, at this age, women’s egg quality goes down.  At this time, IVF with donor egg may be an option to get conceived.

            At the conclusive statement, we can say that the chances of success decrease with the age of the couple.

            IVF success rate also differs from one clinic to other, so it is very important to seek out best fertility specialist or the fertility clinic to undergo with IVF cycle. Ask the clinic’s success rate and live birth rates of the clinic rather than getting the information on pregnancy rates.  The average success rate of IVF for a woman under 35 years of age is 65-67% by Go IVF Surrogacy. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading fertility clinics that put forward best IVF fertility treatment to the patient.

            IVF Cycle Limitation for the couple –

            A couple can have their IVF cycle as much as they can; the decision is totally up to them and of course couple’s fertility specialists. Many of the couples have has their tenth IVF cycle and achieved success, while some couple just has given up trying for the first time IVF by getting a negative result. It’s all up to the patience level and trust on IVF, which attract numerous couples to go for their 3rd or 4th IVF cycle.

            A couple can go ahead for as many IVF cycles as they want but what they really need to be aware of is their budget. Undergoing IVF cycles twice thrice or even ninth time requires a couple’s time, patience and most important.

            Fertility specialist usually recommends the couple to undergo at least 3-4 IVF cycles because, during 2nd or 3rd IVF cycle, the majority of the couples experience success from this technique.

            Couples especially women who undergo with their IVF treatment are filled with so much hope and a belief that IVF will soon turn a boon for their life, so for them, keep the faith and trust during your IVF cycle but don’t rely on IVF as devastation can be strong if a cycle is unsuccessful. So, be prepared for both- positive or negative result.

            Is there any Age limitation on IVF?

            IVF-is a technique and a far advance treatment to resolve the issue of the couple’s infertility disorder. IVF treatment can be applied or combined with other ART techniques as well, dependent on infertility case of the patient. As per now, there is not as such age limit for women undergoing IVF treatment. Women can go for their own egg IVF procedure until they reach their menopause stage. If a woman has entered their menopause stage then IVF is somehow possible only with donor egg.

            Till now, it has been found in the data that several women in their 40 are to have achieved progress in their IVF treatment, although positive results at this age (after 40) are not very high.

            Anyways, if talking about approximate IVF cycle a woman can try is at least three IVF cycle and the rest of the choice is on you and your infertility case.

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              According to the recent research, it has been calculated that at least one in six couples has got trouble in getting pregnant naturally- often these couples are ascribed as infertile. In the world like today, each problem has its various solutions and so the infertility topic has, true! It’s time to say Bye-Bye from your childlessness tag as Go IVF Surrogacy is with you at each step during any course of fertility treatment. There are many treatments for such couples; IVF is one of the best ART techniques.

              Now the question comes, what to do when infertility is treated with IVF. Let’s have a sum up the definition of IVF fertility treatment.

              IVF- In Vitro Fertilization or test tube baby course, is a fertility treatment that is used when any couple faces with severe fertility problem such as endometriosis, male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, ovulation issue, etc. IVF is a long procedure, where a patient needs to give proper attention to each and every step. During IVF, the female has to go through with fertility medications and hormonal injections in order to provide multiple and matured eggs at the time of egg retrieval.

              Follicles containing eggs are visualized and monitored by ultrasounds. Once the eggs are matured enough, collections of the eggs take place. The eggs are then collected or pulled from each ovary with the help of a hollow needle under the guidance of ultrasound and kept in the petri dish. The semen sample is then said to provide by a male partner (or donor, if the case of infertility is required). Sperm is then mixed with the egg for natural fertilization. Motile and active sperm penetrates and fuses with the egg for fertilization and if the sperm has successfully entered into the cytoplasm of the egg then soon cell division takes place. On the fifth day of fertilization, the embryo reaches blastocyst stage and then one or two of the best or healthy embryo is placed into the recipient’s uterus. Pregnancy will soon begin once the embryo has successfully attached within the uterus of the woman

              Here is a complete guide by Go IVF Surrogacy’s experts for the couples, who are undergoing their IVF treatment and confused about Do’s and DON’TS. This list is also beneficial for those duos, who are outlining their plan for IVF treatment. Let’s get started.

              Pre- Cycle / before undergoing IVF–

              • One of the important mantras is to stay healthy and fit.
              • Stick to a balanced and healthy diet such as fresh fruits, nuts, and leafy vegetables
              • Achieve a healthy diet, if you are overweight then maintain the weight and reduce the extra calories by following a healthy and nutritious plan chart.
              • Don’t forget to skip yoga (moderately)
              • Meet up with your specialist and ask if any vitamin supplements or other medications are needed.
              • Stay away from the smoke
              • Avoid alcohol as this could affect IVF result
              • Lock the door of your tension, stress, and depression and be positive
              • Don’t over think about your IVF treatment; everything will be fine!
              • If you are addicted to coffee or caffeine, then reduce it.

              During IVF cycle –

              • The first point is the same as the previous one in the pre-IVF cycle, i.e. to be on a balanced diet
              • Sleep- a vital factor- it is required to get at least eight hours of adequate sleep.
              • Drink and Drink! Drink lots of water and fluids
              • It is strictly suggested for both male and female to not to smoke and to drink alcohol till the IVF pregnancy delivery.
              • Reduce the intake of caffeine
              • Don’t eat some items in food such as fish. Throughout complete IVF cycle, avoid fish, because fish contains high amount in mercury and this directly affects the embryo.
              • If you have been under any medication or so, then consult with your fertility expert whether to continue or make it pause.
              • Don’t expose yourself nor your partner to go indirect heat, sun-rays, radiation as it may reduce fertility capacity.
              • If you are a patient of OHSS (i.e. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) then you need to drink plenty of fluids. If the female takes at least 3-4 liters of water in a day, it will help in preventing OHSS.
              • Exercise moderately
              • You can ask your specialist if she recommends baby aspirin. Baby aspirin is a blood thinner that improves embryo implantation by increasing the blood flow to the recipient’s uterus.

              Post IVF cycle –

              • Again the first point same as above- to maintain a healthy and balanced diet
              • Don’t think over about your case of IVF, as over-thinking leads to stress and anxiousness.
              • Relax your body and mind and stay positive
              • Do a light yoga, meditation, listen to music, try to do that activity, which gives s you a pleasant atmosphere.
              • Don’t lift heavy objects.
              • Drink lots of water
              • Get adequate sleep
              • Avoid junk or outside food and eat fresh or home-cooked food.
              • Most important- Stay Calm and Stay Positive! And happy pregnancy ahead!

              At the End –

              Pregnancy occurs, when the embryo has attached to the lining of female’ uterus so for that you need to follow the above rules while undergoing IVF cycle. This is all about the steps and guidelines, which a female need to take care of during her IVF treatment. Go IVF Surrogacy brings forth the best fertility treatment by providing super and veterans specialists during the medication. Each fertility clinic has its own criteria regarding the IVF package. The couple needs to seek best IVF clinic for their IVF Treatment without any hurry and at last Be Healthy because if the mother will be in the pink then her baby will definitely be born inhale and hearty condition.

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                Because of the top quality of the medication with high success rate, numerous international patients, couples prefer India for their fertility treatment, one amongst best medication infertility treatment, which we are discussing right now, is IVF treatment. True! IVF is not just a boon for so many infertile couples but also it is the best therapy to disentangle infertility cause.

                Indian laws and regulation are favorable for the international patients and this is the main reason, why they choose India as their IVF destination. These are all the significant points that make India a favorable and favourite end place to solve the infertility issue.

                Infertility Treatment in India –

                Infertility is that issue, which is increasing all over the world that too at an alarming rate, due to this, infertility treatment is in constant demand globally, some of the countries are in high demand for the fertility treatment while some do not have. This may be due to fewer advance facilities to cater to ART fertility treatments, maybe they lack veteran expert or some other reason etc. There are few countries, where the whole process of fertility medication is balanced and India is one amongst them.

                There are several treatments to say goodbye of your childlessness tag from your life, a popular and worldwide accepted fertility treatment – IVF, In Vitro Fertilization.  With all the necessary facilities, India puts forth the infertility treatments at an affordable cost for all the people.

                That individual, who settle on India for their IVF course of medication or for other infertility treatments, here is a practical guide that will definitely help those couples who are outlining their plan to start a journey from own country to India for the treatment until the individual return own place after the treatment.

                How to Choose a Right and Genuine Fertility Clinic For Your IVF?

                A first and most important factor that comes in the way of your treatment journey is to choose the appropriate clinic for your IVF medication; there are several ways to do this – like

                • Local search
                • Direct contact with the fertility clinic
                • Or, through the business partners

                In some of the case of international infertile couples, they prefer direct searching in India (once they land in India) sometimes with their own and sometimes with the assistance of the agents. However, if you are going to single out this option then be aware of fake agents.

                Talking about the second option, you can directly contact the fertility clinic through the internet and make sure about its success rate, it’s cost etc. The patient can also give their medical history and the condition, by doing this the doctor at the clinic will give the best opinion on the basis of their medical report. The expert will tell you the treatment schedule too; this will help the patient to get a visa and arrival in India with the clinic’s guidance.

                About the third way of choosing the clinic is through the business partner; some fertility clinics of India have their tie-ups and their employees with the business partner, who might have a local office in Sri Lanka, Utopia, Bangladesh, UK, Nepal etc, by this way the couple can seek the best guidance from them before coming to India.

                Medical Visa is must for International Infertile couples –

                Yes! Without Medical Visa, a couple’s treatment is not possible, this is illegal in India and if the patient has arrived in India with just tourist visa or a business visa, they either have to return back to their own country or else they will face serious consequences.

                Suppose the patient has already contacted with their decided fertility clinic and communicated about their arrival in India, the clinic will send the patient a medical invitation letter to the country’s embassy stating the need for the patient’s medical treatment.

                It sometimes happens that some of the infertile patients, who are completely unaware about the entire procedure of getting a medical visa and coming down in India for their fertility treatment, if they arrive in India, this can become a major problem for the patient.  Since there are strict government rules, the clinics of India won’t be able to entertain these patients, and this will definitely make the patient into baffle situation.

                However, if the couple or individual arrives in India from underdeveloped countries (without a medical visa), there is an alternative way to come out from this situation.

                If the patient has already landed in India with just their business visa or tourist visa but they want a medical visa for the fertility treatment, then they can approach and request to FRRO (Foreign Regional Registration Office – an Indian government body) to convert their visa into medical visa in order to undergo IVF medication.

                If there is luck then FRRO will approve your request and convert your business visa into medical visa but if they do not approve then the patient has to return their own country and come back again in India on a medical visa.

                Once You Arrive in India on Medical Visa –

                Once the patient arrives in India, the fertility clinic arranges their stay near their own clinic itself providing all the necessary facilities to them. Go IVF Surrogacy is one of the best and preferred health tourism companies by the international patient, which provide free pick-up and drop facility from the airport and coordinates best with the patient during their entire journey.

                If the patient has language barriers and unable to communicate in English then the clinic will hire a translator for them, (the patient has to bear the cost for it).

                Go IVF Surrogacy has decent tie-ups with several fully furnished hotels in order to give patient full comfort and security in their room or nearby area.

                IVF Treatment Procedure for International Patients –

                IVF treatment schedule is given to the couple once they arrive in India. As soon as the couple meets up the doctor, their IVF procedure is started without any delay.

                Once the IVF course of medication is performed, the couple soon leaves the country and go back to their own country for their pregnancy duration and delivery, while some of the couples stay in India until they become confirm about their positive pregnancy test. These are all the significant points that must be known by international couples before arriving in India for their IVF treatment.

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                  Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India.

                  No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

                  About Go IVF Surrogacy:

                  With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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